Expecting for everyone around you to pay for part of your medical bills, rather than being responsible and doing it yourself, is being entitled. If you can't afford to take care of yourself, then you aren't working hard enough, plain and simple. If you're permanently poor, it's no one's fault but your own, unless you're disabled and incapable of working, in which case, I understand, but there are disability benefits for people like that in my country, and that, I am okay with funding via taxation because there's a legitimate reason to. No able bodied, mentally competent individual is incapable of making enough to afford health insurance (in America at least).
I don't think you read why I'm against a socialist healthcare system. I don't like the idea of the government creeping it's way into every aspect of my life, because when it's in their power to be the sole provider of something, it's also in their power to completely take it away. I'm for personal accountability and "free" things take all personal accountability away from the individual. You should strive to take care of and provide for yourself, rather than expecting anyone else to do it for you, and there's a sense of pride and independence that comes with doing that. If you want to help others, too, great; donate to a reputable charity that, again, is held accountable by the donors providing their funds. When the government forces you to pay for healthcare, you have little to no say in where your money goes, or to whom, and it doesn't matter if you like the results you see. You don't need government intervention to help people.
Taking care of yourself and your family first isn't a stupid mentality (from an evolutionary standpoint, it makes total sense to take care of your family and your children, rather than taking from them to help others because it ensures that your genes are passed on, but that's not the point I'm getting at). I'd rather have extra money in my pocket to take care of the people I choose to take care of because I can personally ensure that my money goes towards actually helping someone, rather than paying someone to file paperwork that may not even lead to helping someone. I'd love to hear your 50 million reasons why it's stupid to use your money that you put hours of your life into earning to take care of the ones you love. If you think it's too off topic for this thread, then pm me. I'm willing to have a serious conversation with you.