What, do you think I grew up rich? No, I grew up quite like you, maybe even in worse conditions. I lived in a ****ty, run down, roach infested house as a child that the state of Oklahoma built on an old landfill without telling anyone (not just my house, my whole neighborhood). I got a terrible fungal infection on my scalp and other parts of my body just from playing outside. It wasn't until my grandmother threatened to take my two brothers and I away from my mom that we moved to Texas where she lived. I had a nice life living with her for a few years, then we moved and, once again, I didn't have enough food in the house, bills went unpaid and I went without a lot of things like new clothes, new shoes, school supplies, hot water and medical care.
Why was I so poor? Because my parents were highschool dropouts that chose to do meth and get ****faced every night instead of taking care of me or working someplace other than a fast food joint. My dad eventually (kind of) got his **** together and became an aircraft mechanic, but still got so drunk almost every night that he hospitalized himself after vomiting blood from all the ulcers that constantly drinking had formed in his esophagus and stomach.
Now, I don't know you, and I don't know where exactly your parents went wrong, but you're in the situation you're in for a reason. You're just their kid so I'm not blaming you or saying you're ****. But if, for example, my boyfriend's dad can go from being a homeless 15 year old living in his truck and having to bathe in gas station bathrooms to being a self taught genius of a programmer making more than $200,000 a year and living in a 6 bedroom house, then your parents, like mine, could have tried harder and avoided the hardship and poverty they brought upon themselves. That's not easy to hear when it comes to the people you love, but the truth isn't usually easy to swallow.
The point of that mess is that you get from life what you put into it, and no matter where you start out, there's always a way up with enough hard work and dedication. That being said, you should work hard and be responsible for yourself so you can give yourself a good life, rather than relying on others. You're capable. Your parents are capable. Work hard and you won't live the life you're living for very much longer.