• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

help me bring my OC to life!

i think i left before both of those, searched it up and doesn't look familiar. my favorites were the japanese princess one i think it was called, it was like bangs and straight black hair? and the mermaid one lol that one was my go-to one. do you have a FB album where i could see your pet? i think i just got super into the drama of the trading post lol all my friends got banned because they scammed XD plus they were super into the if you're not 13 or something you get banned so i had to tread lightly

Really? They were great wigs! The imperial princess one is big and poofy, haha. I never liked that one ; _ ; Never looked good on my pet :v The mermaid one is really pretty! Again tho, never looked v good on my pet D:
Ahh I do! Altho you have to be friends with me on FB if you want to see it because I can't really put it on public. (You can remove me right after, if you like.)
Oh my gosh D: Pffff I remember that rule! It was on SO much of the groups and even the forums. When I first joined, they told me about it (I was 9 ok ;_;) and they quickly helped me cover it up. I just never talked about my age, and if I really had to, would offer a fake one ;v;
I remember being in a trading group in Pet City (Pretty good. The developers are really nice and listen to the feedback of the players, and if you have a problem, they respond pretty quickly and help you out.) where oyu had to be 15 to join. Now lil' ol' me ignored that rule, and it was months before they caught on to the fact that I wasn't 15.
I never scammed anyone tho, so that hurt a lil' bit ;_;
Really? They were great wigs! The imperial princess one is big and poofy, haha. I never liked that one ; _ ; Never looked good on my pet :v The mermaid one is really pretty! Again tho, never looked v good on my pet D:
Ahh I do! Altho you have to be friends with me on FB if you want to see it because I can't really put it on public. (You can remove me right after, if you like.)
Oh my gosh D: Pffff I remember that rule! It was on SO much of the groups and even the forums. When I first joined, they told me about it (I was 9 ok ;_;) and they quickly helped me cover it up. I just never talked about my age, and if I really had to, would offer a fake one ;v;
I remember being in a trading group in Pet City (Pretty good. The developers are really nice and listen to the feedback of the players, and if you have a problem, they respond pretty quickly and help you out.) where oyu had to be 15 to join. Now lil' ol' me ignored that rule, and it was months before they caught on to the fact that I wasn't 15.
I never scammed anyone tho, so that hurt a lil' bit ;_;

i was talking about the japanese princess wig haha, i remember buying that one XD okay! you can PM me your facebook URL or i can do the same to you? either's good for me c: all i ask is that you don't give it out to other people because i kinda want to keep it private lol, but i don't think you'd do that. ugh you had such good friends lol the people in the trading post were ruthless in these kind of things- they even went as far as giving people a poll that manipulated them into saying their age, but not straight out if that makes sense. whenever someone asked me if i lived with my parents i'd simply say that i don't want to let anyone know, because while it was suspicious they had no proof XD what's pet city? aw that sucks, i'm sorry :( i remember when i checked back after a year or two of quitting due to no account, they were so much more accepting.
i was talking about the japanese princess wig haha, i remember buying that one XD okay! you can PM me your facebook URL or i can do the same to you? either's good for me c: all i ask is that you don't give it out to other people because i kinda want to keep it private lol, but i don't think you'd do that. ugh you had such good friends lol the people in the trading post were ruthless in these kind of things- they even went as far as giving people a poll that manipulated them into saying their age, but not straight out if that makes sense. whenever someone asked me if i lived with my parents i'd simply say that i don't want to let anyone know, because while it was suspicious they had no proof XD what's pet city? aw that sucks, i'm sorry :( i remember when i checked back after a year or two of quitting due to no account, they were so much more accepting.

I can PM you mine! ;o; But yes, I won't give it out, don't worry!
Oh mygod. That's terrible holy crap! D: Did you use the forums much, or did you stick to the FB community? The people on the forums were generally very nice.
Pet City is like PS, but it looks less cartoony and it's a little realistic. There are lots of ways you can decorate a room, and it's actually a nice community. It's mainly composed of old PS players, too. Most of the PS players either switched to Party Town or to Pet City.
Maybe most of the meaner admins/ members left? ;v; <3
I can PM you mine! ;o; But yes, I won't give it out, don't worry!
Oh mygod. That's terrible holy crap! D: Did you use the forums much, or did you stick to the FB community? The people on the forums were generally very nice.
Pet City is like PS, but it looks less cartoony and it's a little realistic. There are lots of ways you can decorate a room, and it's actually a nice community. It's mainly composed of old PS players, too. Most of the PS players either switched to Party Town or to Pet City.
Maybe most of the meaner admins/ members left? ;v; <3

it was FB forum of the sorts i think! it was a group, but i don't remember very well, i think facebook changed the format. ah, was it made by the same developer? idk, i know the admins were all friends and if you were their friend then you were an admin as well >.< they also kinda "scammed" people by saying "go like this thing on this page so i can win this giveaway and you'll get a random prize!" i never got anything and they kinda just denied giving people anything by saying that it wasn't guaranteed afterwards lmao
it was FB forum of the sorts i think! it was a group, but i don't remember very well, i think facebook changed the format. ah, was it made by the same developer? idk, i know the admins were all friends and if you were their friend then you were an admin as well >.< they also kinda "scammed" people by saying "go like this thing on this page so i can win this giveaway and you'll get a random prize!" i never got anything and they kinda just denied giving people anything by saying that it wasn't guaranteed afterwards lmao

Ohh I hate those type of admins tbh ;o; It's kinda unprofessional to do that, IMO. You might not even know how their friends would handle being an admin, or their friend could mess everything up in the group.
jfc thats so tacky
Ohh I hate those type of admins tbh ;o; It's kinda unprofessional to do that, IMO. You might not even know how their friends would handle being an admin, or their friend could mess everything up in the group.
jfc thats so tacky

i think that the friend didn't even play pet society lol, the group was going into shambles by the time i left tbh, no one had strong control because i don't think the admins cared anymore. kinda surprised that you haven't heard of PSTP though, it was one of the bigger pet society communities i think
Om g I can't keep up with all this PS talk lmao you're such fast posters. I don't think I've heard of that PSTP group either? But then again I was pretty much living in my own bubble back then ehe. I was in love with the dye tables and the Japanese princess wig though, like, imagiNe all the beautiful possibilities with the ice hues I needed them all. AND THE SECRET HOUSES MADE ME SO HAPPY OMG. Sudden nostalgia.

So um anyway. Cheezy, do you have a Tumblr? I want to tag you in something uvu
Om g I can't keep up with all this PS talk lmao you're such fast posters. I don't think I've heard of that PSTP group either? But then again I was pretty much living in my own bubble back then ehe. I was in love with the dye tables and the Japanese princess wig though, like, imagiNe all the beautiful possibilities with the ice hues I needed them all. AND THE SECRET HOUSES MADE ME SO HAPPY OMG. Sudden nostalgia.

So um anyway. Cheezy, do you have a Tumblr? I want to tag you in something uvu

i'll give you my acnl tumblr because my personal one has like my personal friends and stuff >.< here it is! what are secret houses? omg i remember the pastel dye tables, i was SO in love with those! ugh playfish coins were so coveted back then, barely anyone ever got them, mainly because the majority of players were 10 XD
i think that the friend didn't even play pet society lol, the group was going into shambles by the time i left tbh, no one had strong control because i don't think the admins cared anymore. kinda surprised that you haven't heard of PSTP though, it was one of the bigger pet society communities i think

It's good that you left when you did!
Although I mainly stuck to the forums and rarely touched the FB groups. ;u;
I remember getting like 70+ notifications on FB everyday when PS was still around > . <
It's good that you left when you did!
Although I mainly stuck to the forums and rarely touched the FB groups. ;u;
I remember getting like 70+ notifications on FB everyday when PS was still around > . <

why'd you get so many notifications? o.o i left shortly after my account got hacked, decided that it was too hard to get everything i lost, which was at least $25 dollars >.< i was so obsessed, surprised PS got deleted..
Hi; I decided to give it a shot and draw your OC n~n I'm not well with prices but I am hoping to open a shop for my artwork in the future so if you have any good price recommendations for something like this I would appreciate it~
[This took around 2 hours]
Hi; I decided to give it a shot and draw your OC n~n I'm not well with prices but I am hoping to open a shop for my artwork in the future so if you have any good price recommendations for something like this I would appreciate it~
View attachment 95565
[This took around 2 hours]

ah thats adorable!!!!! i'd say maybe 450-500 tbt? im super bad at pricing (always seem to lowball), but thank you so much, good luck opening your shop!
why'd you get so many notifications? o.o i left shortly after my account got hacked, decided that it was too hard to get everything i lost, which was at least $25 dollars >.< i was so obsessed, surprised PS got deleted..

tbh even I don't remember ; - ;
$25 dollars? D: omg i would get slapped if i spent that much on a game
but yes, it really was surprising when we heard that PS what shutting down! It came out of nowhere :/
tbh even I don't remember ; - ;
$25 dollars? D: omg i would get slapped if i spent that much on a game
but yes, it really was surprising when we heard that PS what shutting down! It came out of nowhere :/

lol i spent it in increments aka $10 here, $10 here, but it seriously runs in the family. my sister's spent so much money on games like hollywood university and farmville (what even). i think it was because PS was such an old game they deleted it to get new ones? at least that's what i heard. lmao i love how this thread has turned into a pet society discussion, which is totally fine because it brings back so many memories. do you remember when they had limited edition items that only had a certain amount being sold and everyone went CRAZY over them? i remember the wedding snowglobe thing, damn everyone wanted that

I don't find it that surprising coming from EA, lol. Not the best gaming company out in the market, frankly speaking. But yeah, it was a shame such a cute game had to die. (This also reminds me of the offline game thing Peebers mentioned before and to which I may have forgotten to answer- No, I didn't get to download my files. I actually don't think I would have been able to make it work even if I'd know about it? Haha, sounds complicated.)

Um, secret houses were these separate, smaller rooms you could unlock by buying certain cash items that you could place in the rest of your normal house. I loved them because the default background was so much prettier than the wallpapers you could buy from the shop, and they were smaller and altogether more neat imo? There were a bunch of secret rooms but the ones I remember right now are the underwater one, the secret garden, and the pretty pastel sky one. I can try and grab some screenshots of them if you'd like? I'm sure there must be a couple at least in my gallery still.

Aand thanks for the link~ You'll probably get a notif sooner or later from me. ;9

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh god I forgot to say this: the limited editions items were a huge hoax to squeeze every bit of money we still got left and I'm still upset over them l m a o.

I don't find it that surprising coming from EA, lol. Not the best gaming company out in the market, frankly speaking. But yeah, it was a shame such a cute game had to die. (This also reminds me of the offline game thing Peebers mentioned before and to which I may have forgotten to answer- No, I didn't get to download my files. I actually don't think I would have been able to make it work even if I'd know about it? Haha, sounds complicated.)

Um, secret houses were these separate, smaller rooms you could unlock by buying certain cash items that you could place in the rest of your normal house. I loved them because the default background was so much prettier than the wallpapers you could buy from the shop, and they were smaller and altogether more neat imo? There were a bunch of secret rooms but the ones I remember right now are the underwater one, the secret garden, and the pretty pastel sky one. I can try and grab some screenshots of them if you'd like? I'm sure there must be a couple at least in my gallery still.

Aand thanks for the link~ You'll probably get a notif sooner or later from me. ;9

that sounds really familiar omg, i think i had an underwater one? eep if you have one that'd be great, i remember all the WWF stuff, it was so cute but super duper pricey. do any of you guys remember the takeout box hat, newsprint hat and dress, etc.? those items were so rare you'd need a middleman for them. eep now i'm curious as to why you needed my tumblr hahah

Okay prepare yourself for unhealthy amounts of spam. Not really but. Aahhh in hindsight my screens look so pixellated nowww but at least you'll get an idea of them. The WWF aniMALS AND THE FISHING KIT??? I actually think one of the dolphins in the picture below is from the series but I can't remember that well? but YEAH THEY WERE SO EXPENSIVE, everything was expensive towards the last few months. I don't remember the takeout box hat nor the newsprint fashion but they sound so silly?? haha maybe I can find them on Google or something.​


Oh, I just wanted to upload some files I had lying about my PC to Tumblr and I like crediting designs and ownership, haha. Nothing major.​

Okay prepare yourself for unhealthy amounts of spam. Not really but. Aahhh in hindsight my screens look so pixellated nowww but at least you'll get an idea of them. The WWF aniMALS AND THE FISHING KIT??? I actually think one of the dolphins in the picture below is from the series but I can't remember that well? but YEAH THEY WERE SO EXPENSIVE, everything was expensive towards the last few months. I don't remember the takeout box hat nor the newsprint fashion but they sound so silly?? haha maybe I can find them on Google or something.​


Oh, I just wanted to upload some files I had lying about my PC to Tumblr and I like crediting designs and ownership, haha. Nothing major.​

omg i swear i had all three or at least two of them- they all look so so familiar. i forget how you got the items but they were like huge collector items and were super hard to come by. they were kinda cute haha, i loved the takeout hat one so much. what's the fishing set?