Help me decide XD


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2008
Chocolate Coins
Santa Tokens
Hi! :brrrr:
So.. i'm having this dillema.
I'm allready thinking of my townname, but i can't decide.

What i have in mind:

Silvero < This is sort of a tradition, it was my first town name in the GC version
I would go with the traditional one. I usually name my town Dog City. Sometimes I vary into Owl City, Cat Town, or My Town. Traditions are cool, or maybe you should think about other names to vary up a bit. :)
The value of tradition is always a good one, but I don't find either of the names too appealing to my tastes.
coffeebean! said:
Just do as you like. Like I've been told before: "Follow your heart" :)
Sure, even though that was the most half-hearted bit of help I've ever heard. From MY heart, I say go with Silvero because it's your tradition, and tradition sticks. I've done the same thing since the predecessors.

Yugioh and "heart of the cards" can wait.
Sure, Troyal's too corny. It's a portmanteau off of Troy and Royal? Eh, honestly, too corny. Silvero is novel.
Silver said:
Thx anna! XD Wich names doe you have in mind?
I guess I might stick to the wild world name I have now
Faraway I can't even remember my first wild world name though :O
lol =D