Hit or Miss

Hit. I don't have the original one that I had as a kid, but I bought another one at a pawn shop.

Likes to sing.
miss, though there are some days where I just feel like singing sometimes.

Has had a pen pal.
Miss, it's almost 6:30AM.

Is allergic to peanuts.

I have the oldest DS, but it broke :I

Saved at least one toy from a happy meal
Miss, I think I throwed it all away when I cleaned up my room :(

Loves to go to the forest
Eh..hiss, I like going out into areas with lots of trees and vegetation, but I wouldn't necessarily call it a forest.

Does not like getting their hair wet while swimming.
Hit, sometimes a little kiss on my dog x"D She loves that. In the past (when I was a little boy) I let them lick, but now I think it's unhygienic. xD
... Somebody forgot to post a question, so I'm going to assume their question was "Has ever forgotten to post a question after replying to Hit or Miss?"... And that's a hit! I had to rush back and edit it P:

Has seen the new gen 6 pokemon that leaked from Coro Coro magazine.