Hit or Miss

Hit, I like them.

Has to laugh when someone forgot to post a question (A)
Miss, I just leave and wait for a different person to respond. :p

Has come on this thread, has seen a Hit/Miss statement, decided they didn't want to answer it, and then they left.
Hit, many times x3

Is afraid to step out of their comfort zone
Miss. I was flipping through channels and began watching it to see why everyone likes it. The voices, the characters, the graphics, the plotline, I just couldn't last more than two minutes.

Has went through a school year with a torn-up textbook that was already torn when you got it.
miss, but I've reused several different torn up textbooks. They're all usually torn up to some extent by the end of the year.

Dislikes anchovies.
I used to be creeped out by spiders, but now the really small and skinny ones I can just crush and flush. :p

Has a phobia they consider abnormal.
Hit, I have a phobia of glitter and sometimes high frequencies.

has a pet that is not a dog or a cat.