Hit or Miss

Hit! Camping is excellent, but I haven't camped since before '10.

Likes s'mores? (I hope so!)
I love S'Mores so much! I can't eat marshmallows by themselves though, it's just not possible.

Gets angry when they are falsely accused.
Miss. Mostly because I don't watch TV much.

Remembers the days when only a few people had a cell phone.
Hit! I live in the US, but I was born in the Philippines.

Prefers pie over cake.
Miss. I love my root beer!

Would rather be anywhere but here at the moment?
Miss. I'm at home and I'm not well, so being in my bed is the best place right now, haha.

Is eating a snack right now.
Miss. But I plan to eat a Toblerone soon. :D

Taught themselves how to use a powerful image editor/creator.
Miss. I plan on downloading something like that when I get my own computer and if it costs money, my own job. :p I easily teach myself a lot of things though, so it shouldn't to much of a bother.

Is slow at starting things, but always gets it done before the deadline.
Hit. At least sometimes. Sometimes I start on time!

Would be a terrible baseball player.
Hit, I mean, if today's Monday then the next Sunday is the one this weekend right?

Loves dark/horror anime... (Like me, hopefully.)