Hit or Miss

HIT - Happy Feet anyone?

If given a mysterious treasure map, would go on a hunt for the treasure?
Oh you know it! HIT! Even though the greatest treasure is friendship...haha. :p

Would stay behind in a dungeon to help your friends get to the treasure.
Hit if I had a flashlight, a knife, and a supply of food and water. (I am high matenance)

Wishes people didn't hunt wild animals for fun.
Hit. Luv animals, don't hunt even some kind of gross animals, like rats! D:

Likes to put peanut butter on waffles.
I never tried it and I wouldn't want to. The only thing that I like on waffles is syrup, butter, and strawberries.

Has pulled a feather out of a peacock.
Miss: Believe it or not, I have neighbors who have all kinds of exotic birds, and peacocks are one of them. I do have tons of feathers though.

Kisses dogs wet nose.
Miss - I LOVE my dog but I don't LOOOOOOOOVE my dog....

Wastes 99% of their time on the internet
1. Internet is not wasteful
2. 99% of my time is a complete over exaggeration

Looks up diseases on the Internet/Library when they suspect they or someone they know has it.
Hit! Bigtime LOL. I have found out I am quite the messed up individual as well as my family and friends.

Also does this
Not so much specific diseases, rather symptoms which just starts freaking myself out, cause they always bring up types of cancer and life-threatening diseases. O_e Of course, that's not what I had, rather I just had irritated skin. xD

Has something that when they see/hear/taste/feel/smell/touch it, they feel themselves go pale and cold.
Oddly enough I have never been camping. O_e I think I'd enjoy it though depending on who I went with.

Can't stand being around a certain person.
Hit! There is this guy who always hangs out at the pub beside where I work and he creeps me out so badly. I will go out the back of the clinic and all the way around just to avoid him.

Has been in a physical fight?
No, I don't believe in fighting/yelling. I take no part in it nor do I encourage it.

Enjoys hearing themselves talk.
Miss - Not much of a Talker actually. When I do I definitely wouldn't say I ENJOY the sound of my voice. I have a pomeranian who does though..

Has a dog?
Haha hit. I love just being a kid, it's something I don't plan on completely getting rid of.

Thinks they did/do not age well.
Miss - I think I am aging just fine on the outside. On the inside I don't age at all! lol

Wants a new computer
Hit, I want one that actually doesn't get viruses and is a bit faster. Keyboard and mouse can stay though(wireless and smooth, YES!)

Has an entertainment center.