As I've mentioned in the past few days, I've been working on some new examples and products! The OP has been fully updated and reflects all the changes I have listed in the changelog below.
I bet anyone can tell where I started getting lazy when making examples though.
✪ Relocated the villager signature forms and examples to a new post.
I knew I should've done two reserve posts instead of just one. Oh well :-/
✪ I made set ordering clearer (hopefully) by adding set information in the Overview section and writing extra details about possible sets you can purchase in all of the appropriate sections. Bottom line: YES, I OFFER SETS HERE. So ask for a set if you'd like to spice up your thread ;-]
✪ Added a new animated banner style: Overlay Animation Banners. 3 shiny new examples for those are up in the OP, one of those being the Nekoma GIF sig I am sporting right now ;-]
✪ Updated almost all of the decorative text examples. That old **** needed to go. Now, the decorative text examples showcase what I can do to make each piece different. There are always many more possibilities than what is shown, by the way; I make sure to do each request differently.
✪ Swipe animation link button section has been updated to showcase more buttons, and a link button set example has been placed below it as well.
✪ Added another row of wallpaper examples.
✪ Added a new large piece product: Headers. To see examples, check out the OP.
✪ Added a signature pieces section. I am now offering two new products under that category: Custom Signatures and GFX Signatures. Custom signatures feature different shapes, and GFX Signatures are made in my classic C4D/heavy effect style. Check out the examples in the OP.
✪ Fixed most of the prices. My main purpose in opening this shop is to get some practice in, not necessarily to make TBT/IGB (though that's still nice too). Thus, graphics prices are now lower, to better accomodate people on a tighter TBT budget
The prices not be lowered even further in the future, however, because the effort I put into making graphics is always worth the prices I've specified
at the very least. This doesn't just go for me, but any graphics editor or drawing-based artist out there.
✪ Added free services in the second post. I do the following for free: cropping, coloring edits, GIF combining, and image combining. Free services have a separate waiting list with five slots.
So that's it; if you spot any typos/mistakes in the OP please let me know, I feel like I left at least one weird thing in there LMAO. Also, I'd love to know what you think about the new stuff! Feedback would be great, even if you don't want to request anything :-]