I realy hope all the holidays from gc make a come back in ac/3ds
I liked ac/ds but i felt like when ever i when't to help some one, they all ways wanted me to cach fish or bug's what happend to doing errands like we did in gc??
I realy hope they bring back errands with out them it made the game go a little bord
I agree. It's nice to have variety in what animals ask us to do, but after playing Animal Crossing Wild World extensively for the past couple of years I've realized that there actually isn't much variety. I have one villager who always gets stuck on bugs. It's either asking for a specific bug, or the "catch a bug better than me" competition. Would be nice... if it only happened every once in a while. But that's not the case. He asks for one bug, I catch it, a couple of days later he wants the same bug again.
It's really annoying. Fossils are the same exact way. Except when you get asked for a specific fossil it comes down to complete luck whether you can do their errand or not.
I miss the AC:GCN style errands. They may not be all of that much less repetitive, but at least they're doable.