no way everything is perfect imhoThank you. I thought they suck. When I was creating them, I didn't want them to appear as extra or out of place. Now that I look really hard at them, some of them seem out of place but yeah u vu/
no way everything is perfect imhoThank you. I thought they suck. When I was creating them, I didn't want them to appear as extra or out of place. Now that I look really hard at them, some of them seem out of place but yeah u vu/
woah oh my gosh do you have like a tumblr i can stalk your work onAww thank you so much, here's another one just because
samethis thread makes me uncomfortable
im gna ask a member of staff to close it
scuse u?????? this is against the rules REPORTEDthis thread makes me uncomfortable
im gna ask a member of staff to close it
always loved johns face in this panel ahaAnyone have any good panels I can redraw over?
Like group shots, funny stuff, or even coupley uvu
How come everybody in this thread has the same poor grammar?
I don't get it?? This thread states Homestuck Sucks in the title, yet apparently people keep posting stuff about it?? This thread is very misleading and confusing, or at least the title is.
yeah hussie is really oppressive its a good thing we watched a human being repeatedly make mistakes so we could label him as problematicim happy theres all this bad stuff coming out about hussie/homestuck so i have a valid reason to hate it
I've only read Homestuck once. After thirty minutes I got bored and started playing Pok?mon. >->
upd8 all over my dash
so cute much love