Homosexuality: Unnatural?

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Comatose said:
Olivia! said:
Numner said:
[Nook said:
,Aug 4 2010, 03:23:44 PM]1) Gods created humans
2) Some humans were gay/lesbians

Conclusion: The Gods created the gays/lesbians.

Why would they dislike them if they made them?



>arguing with my own argument (y)

But most Christians live in the south.

And the south doesn't like different/change.

They don't like homosex.

It's not the Christians, it's the southerners!!!11!

then i won
Uhhh... wrong. Personality made the Serial Killer. Most likely because they were abused/ hurt some way as a child.
*Comatose views topic. Comatose walks out*

PM me about PLL later. MMMMM' kay?
accfgardenfan said:
this is a very difficult topic to talk about, especially if someone else is using religion to backup their beliefs,i don't think you can get very far with someone who refuses to think about your opinion. luckily,our generation has evolved more than that and it's starting to become less of a problem.I think this person made a few comments that really proved his point.
People that back up beliefs with religion are just wasting their time.

I'm not saying this to offend anyone, but I know for a fact there is no god: People may say, well, where might we have been made from then? Minerals. How did they get here? Bacteria. Hey did bacteria get here? Meteors. And so on and so forth. I don't remember where, but I read a study a few months back about scientists looking further into human creation, and found that the mixing a mineral and various other conditions created conditions that would be viable for living. And so, the bacteria that was here began to morph and develop into different species and forms and slowly, became what we now know today as creatures, or animals. So, in my opinion, away from what I just previously stated, religion is crap.

And what you said about not being able to get somewhere with someone who refuses to listen or think about what you're saying, I totally agree. Now the evolving part, I'm not so sure about, because if that was true, we wouldn't have these problems. And lastly, true. Very true.

Personally, I think they should just allow it and quit fighting over it. It's like fighting over regular marriage, but it's just with homosexuals who want to get married.


I just went to yahoo, and I saw this:

Breaking News:
Federal judge strikes down California's same-sex marriage ban

There's no link, but it looks like somebody is tired of debating over it.
Homosexuals are fighting for marriage.
However, heterosexual marriage is old fashioned?

Sometimes I don't get people.
Rorato said:
accfgardenfan said:
this is a very difficult topic to talk about, especially if someone else is using religion to backup their beliefs,i don't think you can get very far with someone who refuses to think about your opinion. luckily,our generation has evolved more than that and it's starting to become less of a problem.I think this person made a few comments that really proved his point.
People that back up beliefs with religion are just wasting their time.

I'm not saying this to offend anyone, but I know for a fact there is no god: People may say, well, where might we have been made from then? Minerals. How did they get here? Bacteria. Hey did bacteria get here? Meteors. And so on and so forth. I don't remember where, but I read a study a few months back about scientists looking further into human creation, and found that the mixing a mineral and various other conditions created conditions that would be viable for living. And so, the bacteria that was here began to morph and develop into different species and forms and slowly, became what we now know today as creatures, or animals. So, in my opinion, away from what I just previously stated, religion is crap.

And what you said about not being able to get somewhere with someone who refuses to listen or think about what you're saying, I totally agree. Now the evolving part, I'm not so sure about, because if that was true, we wouldn't have these problems. And lastly, true. Very true.

Personally, I think they should just allow it and quit fighting over it. It's like fighting over regular marriage, but it's just with homosexuals who want to get married.
I thought they already allowed it. A lot of states allow homosexual marriage, as well as it's in the culture now. I don't see why people are saying that homosexuals are a "minority" when they have the same amount of rights that straight people have. Hell, there's a whole movie section dedicated to Gay/Lesbian movies on Netflix.

And blatantly stating your beliefs as a fact is not the way to go. Evolution is a sketchy topic as there isn't much proof for either side against or for it. I don't understand your logic in how people can be made form minerals. That requires an existential amount of faith to believe something like that, in my opinion.
Rorato said:
accfgardenfan said:
this is a very difficult topic to talk about, especially if someone else is using religion to backup their beliefs,i don't think you can get very far with someone who refuses to think about your opinion. luckily,our generation has evolved more than that and it's starting to become less of a problem.I think this person made a few comments that really proved his point.
People that back up beliefs with religion are just wasting their time.

I'm not saying this to offend anyone, but I know for a fact there is no god: People may say, well, where might we have been made from then? Minerals. How did they get here? Bacteria. Hey did bacteria get here? Meteors. And so on and so forth. I don't remember where, but I read a study a few months back about scientists looking further into human creation, and found that the mixing a mineral and various other conditions created conditions that would be viable for living. And so, the bacteria that was here began to morph and develop into different species and forms and slowly, became what we now know today as creatures, or animals. So, in my opinion, away from what I just previously stated, religion is crap.

And what you said about not being able to get somewhere with someone who refuses to listen or think about what you're saying, I totally agree. Now the evolving part, I'm not so sure about, because if that was true, we wouldn't have these problems. And lastly, true. Very true.

Personally, I think they should just allow it and quit fighting over it. It's like fighting over regular marriage, but it's just with homosexuals who want to get married.
If you're not trying to offend anyone, i don't think saying Religion is crap helped =P
Personally, I think that being gay or lesbian is fine. You are no different than anyone else. My bestfriend has a boyfriend. He's gay. Last year he was beat up. Yeah I know.... wtf? You're only in middle school. But this friend of mine is in high school. He was targeted because he was "different". And likes other "things". I think that's fine. I think it's amazing that he stands up for his feeling. I just wish people wouldn't stare at him and question him. It's normal whether you like it or not.
Straight people don't want gay marriage. They're not the ones getting married to their own gender, and gay marriage doesn't affect them, so why ban it? They don't even have good reasons, only religion to back them up, and besides, even if the Gods hate gays (which is unlikely), why should other people care?

I'm not gay or anything, but I just had to push more logic into this thread.
[Nook said:
,Aug 4 2010, 03:57:54 PM]Straight people don't want gay marriage. They're not the ones getting married to their own gender, and gay marriage doesn't affect them, so why ban it? They don't even have good reasons, only religion to back them up, and besides, even if the Gods hate gays (which is unlikely), why should other people care?

I'm not gay or anything, but I just had to push more logic into this thread.
Christianity NEVER says God hates gays. The passages that supposedly condemn homosexuality also include lying, thievery, being disobedient to your parents, and other stuff like that. It never singles it out either.

Not once does the Bible talk about God hating gays. You can have Fred Phelps and his whack job church to thank for that. >_>

religion is crap

I wouldn't say that religion is crap. Of course it limits someone's thinking and yeah. But it also helps people, religion was mans first form of governing themselves (behaving so they will go to a paradise after death). Also there are some people who are social outcasts, untalented, psychologically diseased, and do not have a lot of potential/independence who find reassurance through religion. For example my aunt has Bi-polar disorder and doesn't have much of a life. Without going to church she may not have had a sense of community. And why shouldn't people like her comfort themselves with the idea of a god that does only good to them? Yes there are people who go to far with it but you can not stereotype everyone who follows a specific faith based on them.
I like the guys reasoning, works pretty good. Also beaver dams can cause some big floods when they A, break, or B, are made in a bad spot :p
Olivia! said:
Numner said:
[Nook said:
,Aug 4 2010, 03:23:44 PM]1) Gods created humans
2) Some humans were gay/lesbians

Conclusion: The Gods created the gays/lesbians.

Why would they dislike them if they made them?



>arguing with my own argument (y)

But most Christians live in the south.

And the south doesn't like different/change.

They don't like homosex.

It's not the Christians, it's the southerners!!!11!

then i won
Uhhh... wrong. Personality made the Serial Killer. Most likely because they were abused/ hurt some way as a child.
Yes but if you believe in God you believe he used both parents to create his image of a person.

He made the parents.
Bacon Boy said:
Mino said:
Bacon Boy said:
Mino said:
I'm fairly certain he did right it down, this clearly was prepared. I'm not sure what sort of evidence he would've cited, though. Most of his arguments were based on logic and reasoning.
Well proposed argument, however, I still don't like the fact that he only seemed to be targeting Christians in that fault, whilst there are other religions that treat homosexuality worse than Christians do.
He's talking about the argument "homosexuality is unnatural". He says it's made by "Christians, conservatives, and conservative Christians." He's targeting the argument, which is indeed made by those groups.

As for other religions, the same arguments put forward by Christians (and others in religions based in Christianity, Mormonism comes to mind) are also put forward by Muslims. In fact, the Abrahamic religions are the only major religions that seem to have a problem with homosexuals, and outside of the Orthodox sect you'll be hard-pressed to find an anti-gay Jew. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make by saying that Christians don't treat homosexuals as badly as other religions, as that does absolutely nothing to excuse the way that they do treat them. You'd also do well to look up some of the laws, made by Christians and passed in the spirit of Christianity, in sub-Saharan Africa regarding homosexuality, especially Uganda.
You have to take in mind also that every religion has its extremists. Including Christianity. Those are the ones that take and contort simple rules to fit their own lifestyle and needs. Such as those that say they hate Christianity. No where in the Bible does it say "God hates homosexuals." Yet, people will take something that is slightly connected to it and try to fit that into that ideal.
It was not the extremists that pushed for the passing of this bill. It was supported by the majority of people in Ugandan National Assembly, and the president of Uganda even gave his explicit support of it. Only after the intense international pressure did they drop the provision for the death penalty, replacing it with life imprisonment (how compassionate!) The bill seems to have lost any chance of passing, especially after Western governments threatened to cut aid to Uganda, but it does not change the fact that the countries in sub-Saharan Africa have incredibly oppressive laws created solely against homosexuality. It wasn't extremists that passed these laws, and they were passed because of Christianity.
Mino said:
Bacon Boy said:
Mino said:
Bacon Boy said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
He's talking about the argument "homosexuality is unnatural". He says it's made by "Christians, conservatives, and conservative Christians." He's targeting the argument, which is indeed made by those groups.

As for other religions, the same arguments put forward by Christians (and others in religions based in Christianity, Mormonism comes to mind) are also put forward by Muslims. In fact, the Abrahamic religions are the only major religions that seem to have a problem with homosexuals, and outside of the Orthodox sect you'll be hard-pressed to find an anti-gay Jew. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make by saying that Christians don't treat homosexuals as badly as other religions, as that does absolutely nothing to excuse the way that they do treat them. You'd also do well to look up some of the laws, made by Christians and passed in the spirit of Christianity, in sub-Saharan Africa regarding homosexuality, especially Uganda.
You have to take in mind also that every religion has its extremists. Including Christianity. Those are the ones that take and contort simple rules to fit their own lifestyle and needs. Such as those that say they hate Christianity. No where in the Bible does it say "God hates homosexuals." Yet, people will take something that is slightly connected to it and try to fit that into that ideal.
It was not the extremists that pushed for the passing of this bill. It was supported by the majority of people in Ugandan National Assembly, and the president of Uganda even gave his explicit support of it. Only after the intense international pressure did they drop the provision for the death penalty, replacing it with life imprisonment (how compassionate!) The bill seems to have lost any chance of passing, especially after Western governments threatened to cut aid to Uganda, but it does not change the fact that the countries in sub-Saharan Africa have incredibly oppressive laws created solely against homosexuality. It wasn't extremists that passed these laws, and they were passed because of Christianity.
You also have to understand where they're coming from, though. Most of those third world-poor(ish) countries, they have huge problems with rape and incest (not just straight) so they're trying to crush it. Albeit, they're going about it the wrong way, but they're trying to stop it.
Bacon Boy said:
I don't see why people are saying that homosexuals are a "minority" when they have the same amount of rights that straight people have.
you're kidding, right

you can't possibly be this stupid
//RUN.exe said:
Bacon Boy said:
I don't see why people are saying that homosexuals are a "minority" when they have the same amount of rights that straight people have.
you're kidding, right

you can't possibly be this stupid
Stupid enough to see reality?
Then yes.

They can vote? Yes. They can get married (in a lot more states now)? Yes. They go into the same stores, same restaurants, same everything. Tell me a right they don't have.
//RUN.exe said:
Bacon Boy said:
I don't see why people are saying that homosexuals are a "minority" when they have the same amount of rights that straight people have.
you're kidding, right

you can't possibly be this stupid
I'm guessing he isn't from the US. Also he said that he thought a lot of states allowed gay marriage which led him on to saying that.
d7crab said:
//RUN.exe said:
Bacon Boy said:
I don't see why people are saying that homosexuals are a "minority" when they have the same amount of rights that straight people have.
you're kidding, right

you can't possibly be this stupid
I'm guessing he isn't from the US. Also he said that he thought a lot of states allowed gay marriage which led him on to saying that.
Apparently he wasn't here for the big "Hurrah!" thread about how everyone was giddy with joy that they had so many states that allowed gay marriage now.
Bacon Boy said:
d7crab said:
//RUN.exe said:
Bacon Boy said:
I don't see why people are saying that homosexuals are a "minority" when they have the same amount of rights that straight people have.
you're kidding, right

you can't possibly be this stupid
I'm guessing he isn't from the US. Also he said that he thought a lot of states allowed gay marriage which led him on to saying that.
Apparently he wasn't here for the big "Hurrah!" thread about how everyone was giddy with joy that they had so many states that allowed gay marriage now.
......6......there are 6 states that gays are allowed to get married in.
Bacon Boy said:
//RUN.exe said:
Bacon Boy said:
I don't see why people are saying that homosexuals are a "minority" when they have the same amount of rights that straight people have.
you're kidding, right

you can't possibly be this stupid
Stupid enough to see reality?
Then yes.

They can vote? Yes. They can get married (in a lot more states now)? Yes. They go into the same stores, same restaurants, same everything. Tell me a right they don't have.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York

's 13 out of 50 states, although i'm not entirely sure how recent this is (if someone wants to correct it, please do!!)

i can't get married in any state i want to. if you're so *censored.3.0*ing stupid that you think that's "equal", please, find the nearest electrical socket and shove a fork in it.
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