Homosexuality: Unnatural?

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//RUN.exe said:
Bacon Boy said:
//RUN.exe said:
Bacon Boy said:
I don't see why people are saying that homosexuals are a "minority" when they have the same amount of rights that straight people have.
you're kidding, right

you can't possibly be this stupid
Stupid enough to see reality?
Then yes.

They can vote? Yes. They can get married (in a lot more states now)? Yes. They go into the same stores, same restaurants, same everything. Tell me a right they don't have.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York

's 13 out of 50 states, although i'm not entirely sure how recent this is (if someone wants to correct it, please do!!)

i can't get married in any state i want to. if you're so *censored.3.0*ing stupid that you think that's "equal", please, find the nearest electrical socket and shove a fork in it.
this map shows 6, and rights similar to marriage in more- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Samesex_marriage_in_USA.svg
//RUN.exe said:
Bacon Boy said:
//RUN.exe said:
Bacon Boy said:
I don't see why people are saying that homosexuals are a "minority" when they have the same amount of rights that straight people have.
you're kidding, right

you can't possibly be this stupid
Stupid enough to see reality?
Then yes.

They can vote? Yes. They can get married (in a lot more states now)? Yes. They go into the same stores, same restaurants, same everything. Tell me a right they don't have.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York

's 13 out of 50 states, although i'm not entirely sure how recent this is (if someone wants to correct it, please do!!)

i can't get married in any state i want to. if you're so *censored.3.0*ing stupid that you think that's "equal", please, find the nearest electrical socket and shove a fork in it.
Did I say any state? No. But they're moving towards it. People are treating them like they're the kids in Africa. Seriously, they don't have it that bad. If you actually love someone, go for it. Go get married in another state instead of whining how you can't get married in the state you live in.

Again, it's not like they're being completely shunned from society or forced to sit in the back of the bus. Homosexuals don't have it that bad.
Whining.......I don't think it's whining when you are simply battling for equal rights...any arguments about homosexuality's "unnaturalness" can only be based on religion...
Bulerias said:
Whining.......I don't think it's whining when you are simply battling for equal rights...any arguments about homosexuality's "unnaturalness" can only be based on religion...
No, I'm not talking about the ones fighting, i'm actually talking about the ones whining.
Bacon Boy said:
Did I say any state? No. But they're moving towards it. People are treating them like they're the kids in Africa. Seriously, they don't have it that bad. If you actually love someone, go for it. Go get married in another state instead of whining how you can't get married in the state you live in.

You wouldn't be saying that if it were you who had unequal rights. Also lets say there is a gay couple in an area around Florida. Wouldn't you be jumping with joy if you knew you had to cross 6 states to get married? It isn't whining it's called wanting *censored.3.0*en equality. Why should this group of people be forced to go somewhere else to get married, and if you looked at the map I posted the link to 7/13 of those states just give rights, some limited, not complete marriage. Yeah, they're moving towards it, in New Jersey the bill for gay marriage didn't pass. and That was this year. :) Also, who the hell is "whining"?
d7crab said:
Bacon Boy said:
Did I say any state? No. But they're moving towards it. People are treating them like they're the kids in Africa. Seriously, they don't have it that bad. If you actually love someone, go for it. Go get married in another state instead of whining how you can't get married in the state you live in.

You wouldn't be saying that if it were you who had unequal rights. Also lets say there is a gay couple in an area around Florida. Wouldn't you be jumping with joy if you knew you had to cross 6 states to get married? It isn't whining it's called wanting *censored.3.0*en equality. Why should this group of people be forced to go somewhere else to get married, and if you looked at the map I posted the ]You'd be surprised.

And aside form the marriage, what other rights do they not have?
Bacon Boy said:
Bulerias said:
Whining.......I don't think it's whining when you are simply battling for equal rights...any arguments about homosexuality's "unnaturalness" can only be based on religion...
No, I'm not talking about the ones fighting, i'm actually talking about the ones whining.
i don't see the difference...by fighting, do you mean actively protesting?? not everybody feels so strongly about this issue, and some aren't even personally affected by it...they're not out there protesting....but they still have an opinion....i don't think that constitutes "whining"
Bulerias said:
Bacon Boy said:
Bulerias said:
Whining.......I don't think it's whining when you are simply battling for equal rights...any arguments about homosexuality's "unnaturalness" can only be based on religion...
No, I'm not talking about the ones fighting, i'm actually talking about the ones whining.
i don't see the difference...by fighting, do you mean actively protesting?? not everybody feels so strongly about this issue, and some aren't even personally affected by it...they're not out there protesting....but they still have an opinion....i don't think that constitutes "whining"
Not talking about those people. Aside from those actually doing something and those perfectly content with everything, there are those that just sit around and complain.
Can somebody explain to me what this topic is about so I don't have to watch a video or read posts?
Jeremy said:
Can somebody explain to me what this topic is about so I don't have to watch a video or read posts?
I'm guessing by the topic title it's a homosexuality debate.
The video was basically logically reasoning why the homosexuality argument is unnatural is an invalid argument...

Basically that not only is it found in nature but more importantly what actually is unnatural? Why is a skyscraper unnatural, while a beaver dam is. and beyond that on how many say god is beyond comprehension because he is beyond nature, hence unnatural, and other confusing loops in the argument.

It of course evolved into a couple people just plain arguing... but it hasn't been that awful so far...
Bacon Boy said:
Homosexuals don't have it that bad.
aside from the ones that, you know, lose their jobs, get beaten, get killed, all because of the bigotry that your stupid *censored.3.0*ing sky man tells them to spread.

furthermore, i have to ask, what's the point in saying "they don't have it that bad!!"? i mean i know you're pretty oblivious to the discussion and what's being said (as evidenced in the past), but please, enlighten me as to what this is supposed to prove. are you trying to tell me that the strife you go through as a christian is supposed to compare in any way to that which they go through?
I just remember why we included this topic on one of the things not to debate. Everyone thank //RUN.exe for reminding me.
Wait wait wait... did bb say he doesn't know why homosexuals are considered a minority? It is because there are less homosexuals than non homosexual.... cause a minority is any group of people who differ in some way from the majority of people.... yeah...
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