(HOPEFULLY) Less than 24 hours until some kind of Direct.

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There will be no direct and we?ll be left in the dark about things. If a leak were to happen it would be in early March, and if it were real then Nintendo would try to erase its existence from the entirety of the internet. (If they didn?t then it?s best to assume any ?leak? of sorts is fake.) As with all big games with a normal release cycle and physical copies, some copies could accidentally be let into the wild a few days too early, and info could leak out that way.

Note that this is just a prediction based on assuming the worst, zero evidence whatsoever, and learning from the experience that was SwSh. (Also because I wanted to see if I end up being right.)
Thanks for gathering the info! I was actually worried there would be no direct because we hadn't heard anything yet, but hearing that they usually announce Tuesday at least gives me hope.

I really just want any extra info but knowing more about amiibo would be great.
if there’s no direct announcement tomorrow i might actually just pass away

Me at Nintendo not announcing Animal Crossing Direct

But seriously, this is too much by the way. Pok?mon got SO MUCH and don't make me start with Smash!!
I would like to see at least basic information...
♦ Save information
♦ The beginning of the game
♦ New characters and their purposes
♦ Multiplayer information
♦ New features
♦ Returning features
♦ The purpose of Amiibo

So this is general basic information about the game, that prepares you to have fun.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but I heard one is coming on the 20th -- exactly a month before the release! :D
Okay so according to information on this thread if we don’t get an announcement within a couple hours, no dedicated direct.
But that still leaves tomorrow for an announcement of a general direct (which is my best bet).
Alright! Fingers crossed!
Okay so according to information on this thread if we don’t get an announcement within a couple hours, no dedicated direct.
But that still leaves tomorrow for an announcement of a general direct (which is my best bet).
Alright! Fingers crossed!

I really don't know anything about these things, but isn't it already a bit late for them to still announce a direct today? It's really late in Japan right now.

So no dedicated direct happening this week. :(
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Likely timing:
- Direct announcements are generally at 9AM EST, 2PM GMT. Don't expect anything later than that.

I really don't know anything about these things, but isn't it already a bit late for them to still announce a direct today? It's really late in Japan right now.

So no dedicated direct happening this week. :(

I’m just going off what OP said.
If there's a dedicated direct happening, it will be announced in just under an hour.

- - - Post Merge - - -

It could be announed tomorrow - Mario Maker 2's dedicated direct was announced a day before it aired last year.
However, that was back when Directs were on Wednesdays, and Nintendo typically don't do Monday announcements.
If there's a dedicated direct happening, it will be announced in just under an hour.

Thanks for clarifying! Also, where would they announce a direct? On twitter, in their instagram story? Or just on their website? I'm really excited right now and want to constantly press F4 on the right channel. :D
No dedicated announcement but don't be discouraged! This does not mean no direct on the 20th. This is the longest "No Direct" drought Nintendo has put the fan base through. Nintendo probably knew fans of other games would be pissed if the years first direct was JUST about New Horizons. Hold out hope until tomorrow.
Hi guys. I'm surprised to be honest considering Pokemon and Smash Directs on January were announced two days in advance, but I wouldn't worry just yet.

Last year, Mario Maker 2's dedicated direct was announced the day before it aired (Tuesday for Wednesday.)
It looks like we might be seeing the same situation for Animal Crossing.

Either that, or Nintendo just doesn't care. Take your pick.
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