Ugh. I don't know. I sorta feel like a few negative events I'm hearing or seeing about are triggering micro-anxiety attacks, and I'm finding it very hard to tune them out of my mind. I'm playing music as I browse the forum and do other unproductive things, but it isn't helping a whole lot.
Oh, and I'm feeling pretty lonely right now. Not having pets or people around to talk to in my new house is beginning to drain my motivation big time. I've got to push myself out of my comfort zone and participate in some gaming friendlies here, but not with this depressed mood I've got going on tonight.
Anxious when I start thinking about responsibilities and things I have to do. I'm tuning out by playing video games but as soon as I get bored I'm facing reality again. The things I'm dreading are bound to happen anyway, the best approach would be to just accept it, but since I can't I'm trying to distract myself until that day comes.
feeling a little sleepy since I just woke up about half an hour ago, but I'm okay. I'm actually not feeling too anxious today which is nice. I've had a lot of my worries sorted out over the last few days
A little less upset from yesterday's stuff. But still ugh. However, supposedly my book should be at my house today, so I am excited for that. I am still getting through my other book, but I'll be finished with it soon.
I think I'll feel better later after I work on this one room today.
We are suppose to get snow today which I am not excited about but maybe the snow will end by March.
I am feeling grumpy!! I'm in an irritable mood likely related to my period starting. So everything else is just a domino effect afterwards. My pay is lower than normal because of our holiday closure but I also just had to buy my cat her ($400) medicine and pay rent so to be out another $400 is a bummer!!
And it's just really hard to have an off day (emotion wise) when working with toddlers. I feel so drained.
I'm feeling alright, I'm glad I had yesterday and today off because it gave me time to relax and distress. I'm also a little worried about the fires here in California it's sad how much has been lost, and I am very lucky that I'm not close to it but seeing the devastation it has caused is sad.