I hate everything about myself. I lost 90 pounds and have loose skin around my stomach. Makes it look 10x bigger than it should be. Also I?m not good looking
Confidence is a huge things especially when it come to self- presentation . Personally I'm very happy with ow i look on the outside and how I feel on the inside however, people have told me the tattoos are alittle too much. What people think about you definitely doesn't matter all that maters is how you feel about yourself. <3 everyone on this forum is amazing
I used to be super insecure about my appearance, but it's gotten better over this year, which is great. Acne is still an issue, but other than that I'm pretty confident, definitely more than I was at this point last year
I’m actually very confident in my body, but I don’t like my face. So, I’m basically the opposite of the original poster. I also love my hair. Pretty much everybody knows that, but I thought I would mention it again. I love my hair color.
Some days I feel absolutely horrible about myself, other days I feel decent.
If I get dressed in my favorite clothing, do my hair, and put a little makeup on I feel a lot better about myself than when I don't put any effort at all lol. I look like a bum if I don't! :
For me, I'm content with my looks I guess. I feel like I'm pretty average looking and nothing about me is eye-catching. Overall though, I don't care how other people view my appearance. Although, I am EXTREMELY unphotogenic (non photogenic...??) and look really bad in like 90% of pictures :/ That bothers me, but honestly, it usually doesn't stop me from taking pictures with my friends and stuff, so I guess that's a good thing :]