How did you fare this winter?


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2012
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Silver Mailbox
The snow finally melts this week! How was your winter? I know every season up until this spring was a first New Horizons(winter, spring, summer, fall), but I feel like winter was the hardest season to get through because it has the most to seasonally collect from, I think: toy day, festive, new year, festivale, snowboy, general winter diys. And a lot of those were kinda hard to come by, like the snowboy stuff, and rare balloon diys. I got most of the winter stuff, others I couldn't be bothered with like all of the festivale stuff. I got one set and the float and that was it for me, I didn't bother collecting any other color but blue. Town-wise, the snow made my island a flower nightmare, if I didn't sell them all off I'd still be digging them up. I tried not to decorate too much in the snow, that way I wouldn't have to spend too much time getting rid of winter stuff when the snow melted. What about you?
I loathed it, and it was worse than previous games.
No snowballs even spawn unless you wipe out half your map to make space.

It doesn't snow here, so it's not natural for me.

The depressing, ugly, insipid, blinding white, actually caused a medical condition.
I now get ocular migraines and had to lay off playing for long periods of time, and my wife played through most of the winter.

I TT'd yesterday and saw the island without the snow to uglify it, and really liked my island again.
When I came back to the snow, I got an ocular migraine and had to shut the game off as I had spirals at the corner of each eye, and patchy vision.

Snow has been the catalyst for me deleting every town in every AC game since WW 2005.

I detest it and really hope they bring back Tortimer island, where it's always summer, or make snow optional, or put snow on a NM island.

I don't think me, or my island would survive another winter.
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I liked winter overall but I think I'm now ready for a change of scenery. I think I enjoyed winter more in December because of Toy Day and the "holiday spirit". Now, its just really annoying. I don't even bother with the Snowboy snowballs or snowflakes for that matter. I'm ready to move on to greener pastures hehehe
Better than past games, but not very well. The only time I enjoyed it was doing snowstorms. During which, there is a fog like effect active that makes the snow not as bright, and all the villagers look so cute in their stocking hats and peacoats.

It can't compete with the beauty of greenery in Spring and Summer. I really miss the rainstorms too
i really like winter irl and the snow in-game is pretty, but for me it wears out its welcome very quickly. i think i'd like it more if the ground wasn't covered 24/7, that way it'd be more exciting when it actually does snow. i'm not ready for winter to be over in real life, but i definitely am ready to see my island all green again.
I really like the season changes in the game and enjoyed winter when it first came around, it could sometimes be hard work trying to collect new items/DIYs but I was fortunate enough to find my favourite ones (mainly the illuminated DIYs for island decorating) quite early on in the season so I didn't fell as pressured to find the rest of them. However once Toy Day and New Year had passed I was ready for winter to end, my gameplay seems to match my irl views - winter is great during the festive season but when the New Year arrives I'm ready for spring. I still tried to complete the whole winter season but recently I've done a lot of TT'ing to move villagers around and its really nice to have some greenery back, hopefully by the time the next winter arrives in the game I'll be ready for it.
I started my new island in this winter mess lol. I am curious to see how my island looks with the snow gone since I have terraformed and all. Super looking forward to snow being gone. I played catch up on all the holiday stuff. Most of my flowers are on my beach until I can place them.
Winter brought the Illuminated items, which I very much love and would like more of that I can use year-round. Otherwise, good riddance, even if it means an onslaught of Easter eggs and the world's scariest bunny.
I liked winter more than I expected! I dislike the ice furniture and am not a big winter person irl, so I assumed I would not enjoy it much but it actually ended up being fun. I love the crunch crunch crunch of walking in the snow. And be curled on the couch while my character ran around in the snow and caught snowflakes was a very cozy feeling. It doesn’t snow or get very cold where I live so it was kind of fun to vicariously experience winter!

however, I am not really ready for and looking for spring and green grass!

I also did not get the game until the end of April, so I am looking forward to my first cherry blossom season (and maybe looking forward to a new and improved bunny day?)
A lot of my favorite winter things (snowmen, Toy Day) didn't live up to NL but New Years was fun.

The DIYs were certainly challenging, and there was lots of good cultural items to order!
I actually loved the winter in this game. I loved decorating for it, I love the snow. The cute outfits that my villagers wear when it's snowing. But I do agree that having snow covering everything every hour of every day gets a bit much. I think that the snow should go the way of snowboys. If it doesn't snow at all, then the snow on the ground and trees starts to melt. After whatever day of no snowfall - 4 is fine - then it's green again. And it should only count if it's snowing for more than one hour at a time.

That said, I also got all of the recipes, and enjoyed playing the different celebrations. Now I'm looking forward to spring again. I think by the end of Wednesday I'll take all of my ice decorations down, so that when I load up the game on Thursday, there is no ice on the green grass.
I had a good time in the snow. I personally thought it looked beautiful in this game. I'm actually a little sad that the snow will all melt away on the 25th. There are a few ice sculptures here and there around the island, but a part of me is thinking I should keep them around.
I loved winter initially and actually really looked forward to it during late fall as i thought the snow and the winter green trees looked so pretty. However, perhaps because where i live irl has been very cold and snowy, it has almost been unbearable for me to play in winter season in game recently... as a result, i'm now in late March for a change of scenery, as well as with the added benefit of collecting DIYs that I missed from 2020 since i didn't start playing ACNH during the initial launch.
I enjoyed the snow for the first week or two and then it was old. Good riddance to it! Also, the DIYs weren't dropping well for me and I had to buy a couple of them. I'm not even sure if I have all of them now.

I've been designing a new island and time traveled to spring so that I could see what I was doing with green grass.
I love winter and snow irl and in games. I’m really sad that the snow will melt soon because I think it’s so magical. If I wasn’t against time travel, I would keep my island in winter forever.
I really disliked winter. Now in real life I always found winter and snow too cold, unsettling, and just annoying. I remember always getting sick on winter days and it always didn't make me feel good. Now granted there is Christmas in December so at least that makes me smile. As for it in the game while I do like how the snow covers your island it got annoying after about a month. It made it hard to catch any new bugs and what annoyed me was that the snowballs were spawning all over my island event on custom patterns. This did not happen before but it happened recently. Building Snowboy was cool but it was annoying after like 10 attempts trying to make him perfect.

Also I don't like how the snow fits with my island theme. It just doesn't make well stand out. My favorite colors are blue and green and usually during Spring and Summer I liked how my island looks in those seasons from last year but when it snowed it just made my island not too good to my liking. Thats just me though. Overall the Winter Season is not for me, sure I had fun with some of the events that happened even it was short it still wasn't my cup of a tea and I am glad that the snow is melting.
I’m definitely going to miss the snow! I love all the seasons, but I feel like winter gave me so many opportunities for more outdoor decor that I really enjoy and will be sad to take down. But it’s always nice to have a change of scenery :)
I enjoyed the winter the most out of all the seasons in NH! I really enjoyed how it made my island look aesthetically and enjoyed the DIYs and events that came along with it as well. It was really nice to enjoy the snowstorms and aurora borealis when they came around, and I didn't mind building the Snowboys as well. I'm definitely going to miss winter once it hits Thursday, and if I was ever to TT I'd just keep my island in winter forever, lol.