The snow finally melts this week! How was your winter? I know every season up until this spring was a first New Horizons(winter, spring, summer, fall), but I feel like winter was the hardest season to get through because it has the most to seasonally collect from, I think: toy day, festive, new year, festivale, snowboy, general winter diys. And a lot of those were kinda hard to come by, like the snowboy stuff, and rare balloon diys. I got most of the winter stuff, others I couldn't be bothered with like all of the festivale stuff. I got one set and the float and that was it for me, I didn't bother collecting any other color but blue. Town-wise, the snow made my island a flower nightmare, if I didn't sell them all off I'd still be digging them up. I tried not to decorate too much in the snow, that way I wouldn't have to spend too much time getting rid of winter stuff when the snow melted. What about you?