How did you fare this winter?

At first, I loved winter because of the new, but finally, after few weeks (I restarted less than one month ago so I haven't 'enjoyed' it everyday as you probably have, you guys) it's just so annoying: I did for my main character all the snowmen possible (I have enough big snowflakes for so long now and all the recipes), and the snow is great and beautiful, but not for so long! I need to see our beautiful grass again (and the sakura recipes, and after the bunny day ones, sorry if I reminds you some bad souvenirs); recipes were very great (especially the snow-falling wall and the ice collection) but I haven't seen the ones for Christmas and before.
I miss bugs too. We don't have enough butterflies now, the bug-boy I forget the name is on my island and I have nothing to give him... That's infortunate.
Aurora is though a very good idea and very very beautiful to see! Incredible addition in this opus!
My island looks so ugly in the snow, I tted recently to spring to update my dream address and it sucked tting back. The snow IS pretty and I enjoyed it for a bit but nothing compares to the green grass.
It was ok for me. In the beginning it was fun to see my villagers dressed up in their winter coats and hats, but that wore off after a while. I thought the Christmas season was a slight letdown with the DIYs/ornaments arriving late and Toy Day being one of the more underwhelming events.

I really liked New Year's Eve, definitely among my favorite events in the game.

I'm not sure how many times I reset the game after messing up a snow boy to try again, so I'm glad that's over.
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I enjoyed it for the most part but it wore on me after a while as well. It just felt like the winter overstayed the welcome it had and I'll be glad for the snowflakes not being near everywhere I decide to swing my net.
Weird philosophical post coming through...,

I'm excited to see green again, and really got tired of the snow,'s making me realise we're going to be in March which is just insanity to me. Christmas felt like only a week ago (but it's been 2 months?!?), and it's already been almost a year since the game released and yet I feel like I've done nothing productive since the game released (even though I've achieved a couple of things since).

I know this doesn't relate to AC much, but I feel like I need to stop wishing time away and waiting for the snow to go, since time's just going too fast lol