How did you feel when you first recieved Animal Crossing?


Senior Member
Sep 6, 2014
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
I'm getting a second copy of New Leaf tomorrow and I am ECSTATIC. I already have big, big plans for my next town! Which brings me to wondering how you all felt getting your FIRST Animal Crossing game, whether it be New Leaf, City Folk, or Wild World?

Were you guys as excited as I am? >v<
I was super excited. I was actually living in S. Korea when ACNL was first released but my brother was super nice to ship me my 3DS XL ACNL Bundle. Everyday I was looking forward to receiving my package ahahah
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When I got the gamecube onei wasn't sure if it was going to be boring. When I got wild world I was like OMG YES and i brought my ds to the shop. When i got new leaf i was like OGMKNJGSUIGBAJ MY LIFE IS HERE! When I got my second new leaf i was like JKFBAEUFNJWAN MOREEEE :D
My first Animal Crossing game was Wild World. I remember I was in elementary school, waiting for my mom to come check me out so we could go to wal-mart and buy me a DS. My cousin had one and had AC on it and I loved watching her play it so I begged my mom to let me get one. I was sooo excited and happy. :)
When I got the gamecube onei wasn't sure if it was going to be boring. When I got wild world I was like OMG YES and i brought my ds to the shop. When i got new leaf i was like OGMKNJGSUIGBAJ MY LIFE IS HERE! When I got my second new leaf i was like JKFBAEUFNJWAN MOREEEE :D

I'm dying.
Yes! This was my first Animal Crossing game. At first my friends & boyfriend at the time showed it to me (he didn't play it but he showed me the trailer and told me that I'd like the game) and I was like this looks weird and stupid but they got it and started playing it so I really wanted it so my boyfriend got me a copy. Now I am more obsessed than said friends xD
My first one was Wild World, And I didn't know much about it at the time so I wasn't that excited. But I quickly fell in love with it and I think I played it every day! I think I restarted my town 3 times on that game. But I played it so much that if you looked on the back of the game cartridge, on the metal parts you could see lines down the middle of me saving so much, lol. I got City Folk for my birthday one year, but I didn't really play it that much. Waiting for New Leaf was terrible, I got a 3DS just for it, but I had no idea It would take so long to come out!! But I was so excited for it, I set my timezone 3 hours ahead so I could get it early on the e-shop. I was literally screaming when I finally played it!
My Dad bought the gamecube one. He buys literally every single game released for every single platform that has semi-decent reviews, plays it once, then discards it. But he figured I'd like it because I was a little kiddo at the time. And I did love it, but it confused my little kiddie mind because I was a very simple child. But I expect I was very happy when I first started playing it. But then again at that age I was excited by anything that moved on a screen.

Again he bought me Wild World when I got my first DS. He had seen good reviews (always reviews with him) and knew how much I loved the first game. I was quite excited by the game. I thought it was gonna be lame at first. I thought by the name 'Animal Crossing' it was gonna be a game where you had to like, help animals cross the road. Even though I'd already played the gamecube one. I was a really stupid child okay.

I pretty much forced him (nicely) to order me a Wii for the sole purpose of playing AC a few years ago. I adored City Folk. I was ecstatic. Then I pressured him (gently but forcefully) into getting me a 3DS XL so I could play New Leaf. I'm not a brat I promise.

I was beyond overjoyed when my 3DS and New Leaf came. I took the day off work to stay home and wait for it. I nearly died when it came. I tore the box open and played for about 13 hours straight. No joke. I was so so happy. I'd spent ages thinking about what to name my town. It took serious brain power.

I do not joke when it comes to my Animal Crossing. I am 100% dedicated to that grind. I will drop money on a game system just so I can play AC on it. I will never miss an instalment of Animal Crossing ever.
My first Animal Crossing game was Population Growing and I really didn't know what to expect. Like I can't even remember how I got it, probably a gift or something. So I went in mostly blind to the game and just have fun getting to know what it's all about. I think Wild World and City Folk were the first ones I got really excited to play. New Leaf was just anticipation. :)
nopeeee, but that's just because i've never played an animal crossing game before! i only got it because my angel of a cousin bought it for me so that we could play together. now, i'm obsessed. ask any one who knows me. it's a tad embarrassing.

although i don't think i'll move on from new leaf seeing as how i have no plans to purchase a wii u. it makes me sad, thinking about it.
I was SUUUUUPER excited, when I got it I played non-stop all-day-every-day
I got my second cartridge not long ago and was super happy about that! I got it since I didn't want to reset my first town, so I have my main town on the second cartridge while the first is being used for supplies/storing at the moment.

also going to be getting a second 3dsXL this month since it's my birthday, it'll help with acnl. (also I REAALLY want a white one, really. I'd get the pink/white but they don't sell those in england ;w;)
I have two towns that I love dearly, one has a road pattern with very 'town' like qualities with a cafe & spa. The villagers are all gonna be cats and all of different personalities.

My second town is gonna have grass wear as the path and its gonna be more royalty like.
Good luck with your new town tomorrow OP!

I was of course excited when I got my copy of ACNL, plus I got a special gift of a cute town hall model with an Isabelle figure to go with it, that sent me into overdrive lol. I made myself map reset for a nice river-shape for about 45mins, and then I was just dying to get started! For me it had been a very long wait as I tried and hated City Folk (I only like to play handheld consoles) so it had been so many years since my last AC game. The long years of waiting were def worth it ^_^
My first AC was Wild World and honestly, I can't even remember why I got it in the first place. But I quickly became addicted and got City Folk when it came out, but didn't play it as obsessively. Then I read about New Leaf and was all, "OMG OMG OMG NEED IT NAO!!!!!!!" AND I've been playing it every day since it was released.
I ordered it online and it was to be delivered on the Thursday after the game released. After a day or so of waiting, it was in the mailbox at last. I began playing instantly and have been addicted since. :)
My brother got me the original AC shortly after my dad got a Gamecube at a yard sale. I didn't know what to expect. It was the first video game I owned for myself. I played it religiously every day. I would make my own little guides for catching bugs and fish, things like that. I loved it too much.
I was really happy and intrigued to see what the game was like, especially when you consider New Leaf is my first every AC game.
City Folk/Lets Go To The City: OK, lets try this. I LOVE IT XD
New Leaf:YES! Best Birthday present ever! Let's try it... Oh, hi tree, didn't see ya there.
I was pretty anxious,Plus I reset and got one dreamie which I didn't want but hey its the thought that counts.