How did you find out about Animal Crossing?

Saw it in a preview in Nintendo Power, back when it was still Animal Forest.

Man I miss Nintendo Power.
It was when I got a DS Lite and I got the New Super Mario Bros with it. In the manual there was an advert for ACWW and I thought it looked really fun so I ended up getting it. I of course became so addicted to it and about a year or so later I got ACGC and then when CF came out I got that too. Now I'm awaiting for AC3DS. :p
In a inventory book of a Toy Shop, before the release from Animal Crossing Gamecube.
I remember seeing the commercials and not really being interested. Then one day my friend got Animal Crossing and I went to check it out at his house. IT WAS AWESOME, so I got it a few days after that.
That is thy story young brother. bravo
I think I found out about it from a friend who also had a Gamecube at the time. We exchanged memory cards and everything. Then WW came out, and we both got that, so we ended up playing AC quite a bit. Sadly, though, he left Animal Crossing and video gaming all behind. I'm not sure why to this date, but ever since then, we haven't talked much.
My grandparents have been subscribed to Nintendo Power for as long as I can remember. One month, I received Issue 158. I was flipping through the pages like I always do when I came to page 80 and was greeted by the face of a white dog holding a guitar. "Welcome to Animal Crossing Population: Growing!" was pasted right at the top. My eyes were drawn to the animals lining the top and bottom of each page. This was one of the few times I actually read an entire article in the magazine. I was so excited, I asked my grandmother if she would buy it for me. She called all the stores she could and was told the game would not be out until September. I was disappointed, because the issue I held was the July issue. Because I had a subscription, I had the issue a month in advance so it was only June.

However, that didn't curb my excitement to play the game! All through that summer I stayed up until 3 in the morning every night reading the issue (and the two that followed, which had more coverage of the time) and planning what I would do everyday. I also designed some patterns that I would use on my clothes and on umbrellas. I saved up every dollar I could and the day the game came out.. it wasn't in the store we had pre-ordered it from! The shipment was late! My grandmother hunted for a Blockbuster so I could rent the game for one day. The next day I bought my copy and a copy of the strategy guide. It was the first game I ever spent my own money on, and is still my favorite game in the series and one of my favorite games of all time.

...Though I wish I knew where that guide went. It went MIA about 3 years later!
I remember being in a Toys R' Us... and I saw a guide book for it. I picked it up and flipped through the pages, and saw all the cute animals/graphics and everything looked interesting to me! XD I asked my mom to get the guide book, which she said she would get the next day she went to work.... then I remember my dad taking me to Blockbuster for one of my weekly rentals - and I picked up Animal Crossing! (It didn't even occur to me it was the same game XD Didn't see the title on the guide book XD) I was playing through it - remembered I couldn't figure out day and night with the 24 hour clock for the life of me... but there was something about this game... and I had FUN. XD I remembered the clothing change noise BLOWING MY MIND for some reason when I first tried on some clothing XDDD Ahahaha.... so strange. Ended up buying it... still play it to this day. Good times, good times. :'D AC became one of my favourite video game series EVER. Arguably my ULTIMATE favourite!! That guide I got from my mom btw... I still use it too... it is heavily used XD it's all worn out. Eep! :X Sorry for long post XD
A classmate brought their brand new DS with Animal Crossing Wild World to school and I played it for a few minutes. At the time I found the game very boring. Once I saw the trailers for Jump Out and how it would be more customizable, I hunted down a used copy of Wild World to play in the meantime.
I remember reading that same issue as Officer Berri. At first I wasn't interested in the game because I got the impression it was just another life simulator like Harvest Moon and I was terrible at those. I thought the animals were neat though.

Fast forward to a week or two: I saw the release commercials and I saw it was something relaxing and uncomplicated. I was sold.
While hanging out with one of my friends, she decided to have me play it (the GC version after it had come out) with the intent of angering Rover and Nook and all the villagers by always giving them the more mean/negative answers xD
Needless to say, I got the game for my gamecube shortly after and I've gotten every one after that. I can't wait for the 3DS version to come out :)
of course, I'm going to have to make an attempt to get a 3DS before it comes out xD
I think I saw an article in the official Nintendo magazine about how there was some sort of petition to get the gamecube game localized outside of Japan and since that moment I was anticipating it.
My grandparents have been subscribed to Nintendo Power for as long as I can remember. One month, I received Issue 158. I was flipping through the pages like I always do when I came to page 80 and was greeted by the face of a white dog holding a guitar. "Welcome to Animal Crossing Population: Growing!" was pasted right at the top. My eyes were drawn to the animals lining the top and bottom of each page. This was one of the few times I actually read an entire article in the magazine. I was so excited, I asked my grandmother if she would buy it for me. She called all the stores she could and was told the game would not be out until September. I was disappointed, because the issue I held was the July issue. Because I had a subscription, I had the issue a month in advance so it was only June.

However, that didn't curb my excitement to play the game! All through that summer I stayed up until 3 in the morning every night reading the issue (and the two that followed, which had more coverage of the time) and planning what I would do everyday. I also designed some patterns that I would use on my clothes and on umbrellas. I saved up every dollar I could and the day the game came out.. it wasn't in the store we had pre-ordered it from! The shipment was late! My grandmother hunted for a Blockbuster so I could rent the game for one day. The next day I bought my copy and a copy of the strategy guide. It was the first game I ever spent my own money on, and is still my favorite game in the series and one of my favorite games of all time.

...Though I wish I knew where that guide went. It went MIA about 3 years later!

Thats a cute story ;3
A friend showed me the Gamecube version...sheesh, probably at least ten years ago? I've been hooked ever since! Not sure how she found out about it, I think she rented it from Blockbuster or something. Thank you, Blockbuster! >0<
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I honestly don't remember too clearly. But back when I was a kid, I didn't really have games bought for me all that often so I'd just be taken to the blockbuster (or similar stores) and pick out random games to rent. So I'm pretty sure Animal Crossing for the gamecube was just one of those "Oh that looks interesting. What's this?". I'm fairly certain I never really saw commercials for it;
I bought myself a DS about 7 years back and having been a huge fan of Zoo Tycoon, I bought a DS that came with Animal Crossing Wild World. Lucky for me, the game wasn't a zoo creator, but the amazing game it truly is.
I remember the night so clearly! I was probably 9 or 10 when it came out in 2001. My dad used to take me to Blockbuster every Friday to rent a new game.
I had already played most of the Gamecube games that were out at that time, so I was just going to leave with nothing. But for some reason as I was walking out, Animal Crossing caught my eye, and I just grabbed it. I saw the Winter picture and read that seasons change with real time on the back of the case, and just rented it. I didn't even know what it was about.
An hour into it once I figured out the gist of the game, I was hooked! My brothers ended up staying up and watched me play it until like 6am.
It was a big moment in my childhood!
I think I first heard about Animal Crossing in 2006, when Wild World commercials were airing in the UK. I didn't think it'd be my kind of thing, so I kinda forgot about it.

Then a couple years later, I bought an issue of Official Nintendo Magazine with ACCF featured on the cover. They gave the game a positive review and said its great for newcomers, so I went and bought it on launch day. I enjoyed playing it, and decided to buy the gamecube version too, which I loved even more! Been a fan for almost 4 years now, not as long as most of you guys, but I still think it's a wonderful series :)
I saw an advert of it, and it looked boring.

Then my sister asked me if I wanted to get this game, I was like "okay".
And I got addicted to it and I have the original, DS and Wii versions.
My sister got it for Christmas and I played it. The first time I played it though I got bored and turned it off. I decided to try it again a couple days later and the villagers started saying wierd/rude stuff to me and i thought it was funny and I got hooked for life :)