How did you obtain your gaming consoles? 🎮
Waiting for April showers🌸🌼
The SNES was the first console that I ever used. My dad got it for my siblings and I. Many years later he bought the WII.
The DS was given to me by one of my siblings as a birthday present. The 3DS, on the other hand, I received after the DS tumbled and broke.
The Switch Lite was bought by my oldest sibling as a thank you for assisting my niece with her homework. This was at the start of the pandemic, when schools didn’t know how to work with online teaching.
- pink ds lite: i'm pretty sure this was a gift from my uncle so that i could play with my cousin
- wii: my dad bought this for me and my sister and i miss her so much, she got damaged when our basement flooded
- midnight purple 3DS: my dad bought it for me and my sister to share but my sister ended up not wanting it so it's mine now >:3
- ACNH switch: i bought it myself during quarantine akjenwkjbrg
- gaming pc: built my baby during quarantine, sort of like a present to myself during my senior year of college
I bought all of them

maybe some of them were gifted when I was a kid
Some of mine were hand-me-downs, others were gifted, others were purchased by family members for me, and a couple I bought myself!

1. gameboy color (pikachu edition) - gifted from my cousin
2. gameboy advance (purple) - gifted from someone as well but i can't remember who
3. ps1/ps2 - my brother got me this and we shared it until eventually i just owned it cause he stopped playing
4. nintendo 3ds (pokemon x edition)/nintendo switch - bought by myself
All of my consoles came from either my aunt (she bought a lot of things for me outside of food, school, and medical stuff) or I used gift money (PlayStation, GBA, gbasp, GameCube, DS, DS lite).
I had a 3ds xl that my boyfriend (now spouse) bought me as a gift one year. My switch lite I paid for from my job I had. My Steam deck was a combo from selling my switch lite and a gift from my spouse.
Galaxolotl with a lunar sheen
I got the DS Lite, Wii, and Wii U as Christmas gifts. Bought myself the 3DS, and I won my Switch in a giveaway

Almost all of my consoles were bought by myself. When I was a kid, I just saved up everything. If there was a nasty grimy penny in a disgusting putrid sludge puddle, I picked it up. Because a penny is still a penny. Allowance, sidejobs as a kid, b-day/other holiday money, ect.
That's how I bought most. Like my DS. Of course, I worked really hard to get them and my parents would always force me to let my cousins and other kids who I didn't even know who they were when they had them over. And they wouldn't care because their some dumb kid who didn't work hard to get it so they always broke it in some way. I hated how my parents didn't respect me at all.
gameboy, SNES, sega saturn, ps1, nintendo64, gameboy colour, ps2, gameboy advance, OG Xbox, GameCube, Nintendo DS, xbox360, ps3, Nintendo Wii, ds lite - all bought for me and my brother by my mum, handheld consoles we had one each but consoles at home we shared. I then went on to buy myself the Xbox one, Nintendo switch lite and the Nintendo switch. I have since bought my son an Xbox one X series and my daughter a switch lite! A house full of gamers

Not to be too off topic but those gifs are soooo cute!! Did you make them yourself???
My first was a pink pearl DS lite, I saved for a year to buy with my own money in 2009.
My next was my Nintendo Switch, normal, red/blue, was peak pandemic in 2020 and I had gotten some back to school money from family that I didn’t end up spending all of, so I saved for a little between paychecks and bought it and a copy of ACNH!
My most recent is a white Wii I bought early this year 2024 with my third paycheck at my new job!! It’s modded and I’ve been having a lot of fun messing around with it.
My Sega Genesis, N64, PS2, Wii, GameCube, DS, and 3DS were all gifts from my parents since I didn’t have any money as a kid. However, when the Switch was released, I was able to buy it myself.
Any console I got as a kid was a gift from my parents. The first console I paid for myself was my little black 3DS which I eventually upgraded to the pink 3DS XL
Not to be too off topic but those gifs are soooo cute!! Did you make them yourself???
I didn't! They're Discord emotes I got from
Sophisticated Hi-C drinker
wii: my parents bought it for my brother and i in late 2008 (was able to verify by checking it’s serial number) i think they also bought it because it came with the wii sports bundle accessories + balance board and they used it for fitness purposes lmao
2DS: christmas gift from my grandma 2013/2014
3DS: i bought it with my christmas money in 2018
new 2DS XL: i broke the 3DS like a year later LMAO and my grandma gifted me a new 2DS XL on another christmas
animal crossing edition switch: my brother had a switch before me and it was having issues so my dad bought him another one. somehow we fixed it and i ended up getting the new switch!
All of my gaming consoles were actually bought for me. I have a job and could purchase them in the future if needed, but I really have no interest in gaming outside of a few titles.
Lets see if I can remember the details of all of them. In chronological order.
NES: Was a family console
Gameboy: Christmas/Birthday Gift from parents
SNES: Christmas/Birthday gift from parents
Gameboy Pocket: Gift
Nintendo 64: Christmas/Birthday gift from parents
Gameboy Color: Christmas/Birthday gift from parents
Gameboy Advance: Christmas/Birthday gift from grandparents
Gamecube: Christmas/Birthday gift from parents
Gameboy Advance SP: Gift from parents
Playstation 2: Christmas/Birthday gift (from parents or grandparents, can't remember, I think both of them initially got me one lol)
Nintendo DS: Christmas/Birthday gift from parents
Nintendo Wii: Christmas/Birthday gift from parents
Nintendo 3DS: Gift from parents
Playstation Portable: Gift that my dad got from a coworker and gave to me.
Playstation Portable Go: Something my dad won at work or something and passed on to me
Nintendo Wii U: My own purchase
Playstation 3: My own purchase
Playstation 4: My own purchase
Nintendo Switch: Christmas/Birthday gift from my parents
I think that's all of them?
i can be a werewolf if you want me to
Most of mine I purchased secondhand, or like refurbished. My ps1, gameboy family and DS family were all gifted to me.
well, i think you're pretty great ♡
the only consoles i actually have right now are an animal crossing switch, a 3ds xl and a snes mini lol. I bought my switch from best buy, actually originally i had a red mario switch, but i returned it for money so i could get the animal crossing one lol! my 3ds i got for christmas 2013, and my snes mini i just bought myself in 2018 i believe?
previous consoles i had were a wii and a ds lite, both which i got as gifts. my parents gave my sisters and i the wii for christmas and i got my ds lite for my 9th birthday :3