How do you cope under pressure?

I do not do well even now, I can be a confrontational personality when its necessary and someone doesn't align with my personal values in a way that ends up harming people around them that don't deserve it, but other than that, I'm not competitive, and I'm not really someone looking to debate with others.

I trip over myself a lot when I'm forced into those difficult positions, to the point where I feel disingenuous towards the topic at hand no matter how important it might be to me, so all in all, I really just try to avoid that type of thing.

I had a customer once that was verbally aggressive and impatient with me and complained aloud to my coworker after 'asking for the manager', just so everyone could hear how awful she thought I was not only as a customer service provider, but as a person... .. I couldn't help myself in that moment, and once she was gone the stress made me cry, which is something that I've learned is unavoidable for me when I'm in those highly frustrating tense positions without deserving them in any way, I was kind to her, as I always try to be.

So... slow clap to those who can handle themselves with confrontation because big oofs from me yo.​
I don't! I usually let the pressure consume me and do what I'm asked to do, then I migh or might not cry depending on the amount of pressure that was put on me.
i'm okay - not happy about it for sure and definitely overwhelmed, but i am good at staying optimistic and powering through. it does take a toll though, and sometimes u just gotta cry
I have only two reactions, I am either extremely calm and purposeful in every word or action or I get flustered and nearly black out. I’m never sure which I will experience. The nearly blacking out usually happens if voices are raised.
I've been told that I seem calm under pressure but on the inside I'm a nervous wreck tbh. When there's too much stress I tend to procrastinate or look for some kind of escapism, which isn't the greatest response
It depends on what the pressure is. I'm fantastic with work related pressure. I've always been able to compartmentalize, and know exactly what I should be doing at a given time in order to be ten steps ahead and stay on task.

That said...I'm terrible with social pressures. I hate even going to a bar or whatever just to "hang out" with people. I used to be fine with it...but, it's really one of those things that has come to unnerve me very deeply. It's not really "social anxiety" per say...I think it's just because I'm so set in my ways, that I don't really know how to engage in those social situations in a manner that is "to be expected". It's isn't the actual social setting itself that gives me's my own introverted perspective of myself, not participating, I guess. I used to be better at just not caring that I was rudely ignoring everyone., I start thinking "this person hates me because I'm not laughing at the bad joke they just told" or whatever the case may be. Lol.
Not well at all!!

I feel the emotions in bursts and adding pressure/stress is kind of like shaking a pop can, I suppose. For me, the best way to get it over with is to tackle the cause of the stress, but that often comes with me screaming and yelling and getting frustrated until it's over with. (I'm a very patient person, but under stress I'm one dropped hot pocket away from a meltdown, lmao.) Whenever I'm stressed I make sure the people around me know so that a) I don't get angry at them b) they know to leave me alone for the time being. These are super important boundaries that I establish because I know how I act under pressure, and the reality of it is that I will snap if boundaries are crossed.

On the bright side though-- overcoming pressure and the stress is one of the greatest feelings in the world! When you start racking up things you've conquered, it's a real feel-good feeling. Feels like slaying a dragon or something, because while you're in the midst of the battle you feel like it'll never end and that you won't go through it, but in the end you come out okay! But yeah, when it comes to stress, try your best to overcome whatever's pressuring you-- but don't forget to take breaks (Animal Crossing is great for this--) because if you keep fighting without rest, you'll get worn down really quickly! Fight, fight, fight!
If it's social pressure then I just slowly break down on the inside and try remove myself from the situation asap
I suppose my way of coping with pressure and stress can be viewed in a very depressing light, but it's something I came to embrace after years of being suicidally depressed as a youth.

Basically, I don't believe that anything really matters in the grand scheme of things. I, as well as everyone else, have the option of just curling up into a ball this very second, and just remaining like that until we pass. The world will still turn, and our worries won't amount to much after we're gone.

So it's OK to just do your best. Don't work yourself up over dropping the ball every now and then, because you can literally just go and die whenever you choose to. Failure isn't the end of the world, it just means that you should pick yourself back up and keep trying.

Without any meaning to existence, some may say that what's the point of living? But I believe that without any meaning, we need to do our best to find whatever enjoyment and success we can in life.

So when you feel pressured, don't box yourself in psychologically. Try and think; what's really gonna happen in the off chance that you can't do whatever you're trying to do? Honestly, probably not a heck of a lot. I find that without the pressure to succeed at everything, I more often than not do just fine anyway. My nerves aren't fried from the stress of having to do everything flawlessly, and I don't have to beat myself up over my failure if things don't work out.
i bite my nails and fingers like crazy LOL
I detach myself from my body mentally and let autopilot do it's thing. (aka I cope very poorly.)
I actually think I work really well under pressure because my tendency is to overthink things and that stops being an option. But then once the pressure is off I rehash everything and overthink again. So good in the moment but terrible afterwards.
Depends on the situation?

If it's social situations I'll try to remove myself from that situation. If that's not an option I just try to hold it together.

Work/school? I cope by procrastinating. Which is not a good coping method at all, because it creates a feedback loop of infite pressure.

Games like first person shooters/fighters? I scream and turn the console off.

All in all I try to avoid pressure. And if I can't, I will cry sooner or later. I'll hold it in until I burst, such as dropping a biscuit and it breaking will make me burst into tears.
Usually when I have a paper or assigmnet due I'll allot some time to a mental breakdown and cry for a bit then get things done.