How Do YOU Earn TBT?

I sell villagers for only 5 TBT. Price is cheap so people eat it up. I also would feel bad for accepting more than 10+ TBT for a villager I can scan right back in... would be different if I didn't have their card. :p

I think I sold Ankha for like 40 TBT

I also ran a flower shop for a bit. The first week I exploded in orders, then it immediately died, but I made a lot that one week so that's good I guess!
I have an epic method which I need to share with you guys here:

I Don't

(Not such a good method but hey, I'm just lazy)
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It varies. When I really needed bells, I opened an art shop, that i had to later close. I wanted to reopen, but my life has just gotten busier since then. That was rather disappointing for both me and my clients. I occasionally sold in game items, pokemon, villagers. Then I started giving things away too. But now I just post for my bells. I do occasionally sell collectibles, but very rarely. I usually buy or trade them now.
i dont try to, but trashposting gets 1 or 2 bells, and my dream town reviews get like 4/5 bells so
I had an art shop when I started here which gave me a few hundred bells, but closed shortly after since Uni became to busy. Now I just kinda sell colectibles I get from fair events and post a lot. c:
I just post! I like talking and writing so this method works for me, I don't really need to buy things THAT often, but if I need something and I'm running short I just post on threads I find interesting or start a new thread ^-^
Posting, selling crappy art. Selling collectibles. I haven't sold any ACNL stuff in a long time but I used to do giveaways and stuff with entry fees and got some bells that way.
I just post. Sometimes people give me tips for advice. And perhaps on the rare occasion when I give away villagers, people might tip me.
I just post a lot. It's a good thing I do, I buy so much cool stuff on the Retail subforum. I wouldn't have half the stuff I do if it wasn't for the shops :)