I really don’t like it, especially when it’s done without my permission. My mom sometimes does that, and ofc my angle/expression will be unflattering ‘cause I was caught off guard and didn’t know my pic was being taken, and then she’ll post it on Facebook for all of her friends to see like no !!! please do not perceive me !!! I swear I can look better than this !!! To her credit, she always offers to take the photo down when I tell her I don’t like how I look in it, but still.
I’m not a fan of having my picture taken even when I’m asked, I give my permission, and I can ready myself and say when I’m ready for the pic to be taken. I don’t really mind the way I look in the mirror, but I absolutely hate the way other people see me and how I look in photos. Every time I see a photo of myself that someone else took, it makes my stomach sink, and just makes me feel so bad about myself. I genuinely never feel uglier than when I see a photo of myself that someone else took. I usually never look at pics of myself more than once for that reason.
The only pictures of myself I don’t mind having taken are selfies, and that’s ’cause I’m taking them, and therefore am in control (for the most part) of how they turn out and how I look in them. I can choose what angle they’re taken at, which is very important to me. I have a hard time taking selfies that I actually like as well, but I usually have better luck with them than pics that other people take.
I wish I liked having my picture taken, or at least liked the way I look more. It’s sad that not many pictures of me exist beyond ones that were taken when I was a baby/kid. It feels bad being erased from certain memories or it being like I was never there at all because there’s no photographic evidence.