How do you feel about Isabelle?

To be honest I've always found Isabelle underrated, not overrated, because a lot of people on other sites I've been to hate her.

But anyway, I love her a lot, and this is coming from someone who despises dogs. I like her fluffy ears and hairstyle, and light yellow colors are awesome in my opinion. :) I really like her positivity and I never find her annoying; her happiness adds to the carefree experience you get while playing Animal Crossing ^_^

Maybe I'm just biased because she has the same name as my precious younger sister, but nonetheless, Isabelle rocks :3
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She's....ok, I guess? I certainly don't hate her, but I'm not in love with her either.

Also she always kinda gave me the impression of being someone who tends to either overexhert herself at work or let her boss (you?) make her work too much.
Like for example when she said she's never even had the time to stroll on the beach and collect seashells? Like, wtf really? How many hours do you spend locked in that office? Are you getting enough sleep dear? Do I have to worry about you skipping meals? Do you want to take the week-end off?

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I think she's cute but I feel kinda guilty because the town hall is open basically all the time and she's ALWAYS THERE. She's so overworked, poor puppy :(

I wish she had nicer clothes though. Puke colored cardigan does not suit her.
I think she's a cute and nice character, but she has her not so nice traits, as does everyone!
She doesn't let you put stuff in the places you want to.

She is cute and nice though.
She can be pretty annoying in my opinion. I do like her little quirk where she gets carried away though. Makes her a bit more enjoyable.
I don't get what's so special about her either...She seems kind of a pointless character to add in. Seems like they could have had someone already in the series be your secretary. Like Pelly or something. Idk. And another NPC dog? Really? Couldn't it have been like a new species or something?? Plus she bugs me because I think there's already a lot more female NPCs than there are males. But this could just be my OCD talking. Lol.
i actually like the idea of pelly being your secretary instead. it seems a lot more fitting-- she was tortimer's assistant in the first place, after all
i really hate the fact that she overshadows all other NPCs
like someone else said, tom nook and sable are just swept under the rug now :(
i like digby more but it's likely just because i see isabelle too much haha

she's so hard-working though, and it's really cute because she really is just a puppy trying to make her boss happy
so she doesn't realize she's annoying you by saying your PWP is .5cm off :)
I like her because she's adorable and just wants to make you happy! ^_^
I find Isabelle's neurotic behavior pretty cute. She may be a secretary, but I also consider her the "shadow ruler" of ACNL towns :p
I love Isabelle. :) She can be a bit clumsy, but she still works very hard to keep things running.
I just think she has an adorable personality.
I think she's really cute the only thing that annoys me about her is when you try to place a PWP somewhere and she says it wont fit. D;
I like Isabelle because I like that she tries her best to help the town uvu

...e-even if that means she won't let you place PWPs anywhere and she doesn't let us use the town funds to pay for them we use money from our pockets to do that
Biskit had a terrible dream about her.

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I wish you could pick a villager to be your secretary.
She's alright. She's very cute but I don't interact with her much so i haven't really developed much feelings for her. I wish there were more ways to interact with her, ya know? It'd be nice if her character were more developed as well like tom nook's and the able sister's. Even Brewster has more of a backstory than she does.

And guys, it's not really her fault if you can't place a pwp somewhere. It's how the game works.

I think she is adorable especially when you catch her sleeping to prompt the dreamsuite PWP =p only time I find her annoying is when I'm placing PWPs then I just want to kick her lol jkjk