How do you feel about sharing cups?


Sep 20, 2013
Virus aside, how do you feel about sharing cups with other people? I see people just drink out of the same cup or straw as someone else and it just seems unsanitary. I could never do it. I always keep my drink to myself. Before the virus, were you comfortable sharing cups with another person?

I only did this one time, I believe. It was last year or so during work where one of my friends and I were sharing a drink. I don’t think I could ever do it again. Even if I was dating the person, I still don’t think I could use the same straw/silverware/cup as someone else.
No, I cannot share cups with others. Not with my family, not with my friends. If someone wants to drink from my cup that badly, I will give it to them. I don't want it back after they've drunk from it.

The only exception I make is for my husband. Then I can tolerate it, but I still don't like it and won't do it often. It's a very, very rare exception.
I have no problem sharing cups/straws with my partner but I wouldn't do it with anyone else
Not a chance. Pandemic or not, there is a less than zero percent chance that I'd ever share a cup with anyone regardless of who they are.
i can't do it. cups or straws, although i generally only drink out of bottles anyway. there have been some exceptions. if i'm really thirsty and someone in my family has a drink on them, for example, i'll suck it up and borrow theirs, wiping the rim first. if someone does the reverse, i always wipe the rim or turn the straw around before drinking from it again. i wouldn't even share with my girlfriend lmao. idk, it's not even a hygiene thing for me, it just bothers me.
I try to avoid it, pandemic or not, close friend/family or not. You never know what they've done before drinking from that cup or if they are sick etc. At least if I have to share I wipe it.
Absolutely fine with it. Despite the pandemic I still do this on a regular basis.

I'm British. Pub culture is an integral part of socialising here and I'm out several nights a week with colleagues. The majority of the pubs within walking distance of us serve craft beers and expensive wines, so it's considered the norm to let your friend try whatever you're drinking. I use 'friend' loosely, because I'm known to offer someone I've literally just met a mouthful of my drink if they're unfamiliar with the menu. You'd think scientists who specialise in infectious pathogens would be more concerned about germs, but here we are.
With family, I don't mind at all. I share food and drinks with my husband and son. It's not a habit but sometimes, when we just want a bite of something to see how it tastes, then we share a plate/bowl/piece of food. Or my husband will finish a drink I cannot finish myself.

With other people, however, it's out of the question.
Pre-pandemic, the only people I don't share my drink with are acquaintances and strangers. Friends, family, boyfriend – all fair game otherwise. I don't really mind honestly, because I also like sipping from other people's cups hehe.

Fun story about sharing: back in college there was a Chinese bar just a walk away from the apartment me and my two friends lived in. Their specialty was something called "The Fishbowl" where it's a whole fishbowl filled with alcohol. Obviously it was for sharing, and everyone in the group would sip from the same bowl with their own straw. It was a really fun way of bonding with my friends LOL. I even shared a fishbowl once with my boyfriend's friends. The less you were in the group, the more share of the fishbowl you had, and the drunker you'd get. I kinda miss that place now.

Also, it's always funny how when I'm drunk I forget which was my cup, so sometimes I randomly drink from one of my friend's cups instead.
Nope. I don’t like it. I didn’t like it pre pandemic at all either. If I saw someone take a drink out of my cup, I wouldn’t necessarily say anything, but I would go and get myself a new cup. I absolutely hate it.

Stay away from my food and drink.
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It depends on who it is. I'd rather not but if it's with a partner or close family member I would.
My general life philosophy is, "If we're not currently sharing a bed, then I'm not sharing anything with you."

Which, admittedly, is a rather awkward thing to say at Lego conventions, but it's a pandemic, you know.
I’m fine sharing cups and straws with my family. Especially with my niece and nephew. Would never do that with friends or strangers though.

My Mom and siblings will wipe off the area before every sip. Whereas, I will wipe off the area after I sip.
I'm fine sharing cups with family and close friends, but anyone else probably not.
i dont prefer it and wouldnt want to share with a stranger, but i would share with a close friend/partner/family member if they wanted a sip. i wouldnt just share one cup though if we could have more cups, i would pour some of my drink into another cup
i share drinks with anyone i'm close to.
or i did, before the pandemic. now i dont share except maybe with my partner, i'll steal some of his drink.
I have no problems sharing with my husband or my mom (or even my dad, at least pre-pandemic). But other than that I wouldn't want to share cups/silverware with anyone else!
I only share my cups with close friends and family, anyone else I don't share with. Pre-pandemic and now. There are a few family members that I don't share with mainly cause they're super unsanitary.