alright, this is super dorky, but like, how do you go about making friends? i'm kinda in need of new friends, but honestly, i don't know how to approach people; i guess that's because of my anxiety and whatever. so yeah just give me some advice i guess? haha
this can be for online for real life ^^
I wouldn't say I'm great at making friends in real life, I just got super lucky meeting some great people who have a lot patience with my shyness.
Honestly I say make a friendly comment or asking a simple question goes a long way. On here if you ever see someone with a dreamtown you really love, tell them. Their signature or avatar from something you recognize and love, say you enjoy it as well, see if a conversation can come from that. Once you reach that acquaintance stage move onto something similar but a little different, get to know them.
Real life, find something small you have noticed about the person you want to be friends with and compliment it (not a creepy stalkerish thing though, that's bad!). A lady I work with always has nice nails (ALWAYS!) and then I learnt that she did it herself and continued to talk about it (I'm not that into nails to learn what I did, but it was cool), another day she came up and started talking to me. I say she is my friend now since we talk even outside of work, I haven't actually asked if we are, because how do you ask that?
Just remember small things can go a long way! Especially in real life when people aren't always as nice as they are here.
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