I like my iced coffee black with three sugar packets. On that chart, the coffee I normally drink is at a E6 or F6. Anything less tastes too watery to me.
I like mine anywhere between C4 and C5 with rare exceptions. I like it just sweet enough with most of the flavoring coming from the milk. If it's too sweet I don't drink it and anything darker is too bitter for me.
If I drink coffee, I try to choose decaff, since I can't really handle caffeine well, and I prefer iced coffee over warm or hot.--hot beverages really aren't my thing.
I liked iced coffee mostly. I make it at home with this:
XD I don't know why but looking at the picture makes me anxious. I do like milk/condensed milk in my coffee but I feel like the coffee itself matters more for me than the color per se. Definitely would be more a coffee ratio than milk though.
I'm starting to feel like Chidi from The Good Place, I need to taste them all to decide. D:
First off...that entire top left quadrant is NOT coffee.
Secondly, I can drink coffee anywhere from black to around the 3D range. And I usually prefer iced coffee for whatever reason...even in the winter, that's primarily what I drink. Thirdly, the color isn't actually that important with coffee, tbh. It's more important what the quality of the roast is to begin with. But I digress. Lol.
I hate bitter flavors so I normally lean towards lattes and flat whites for coffees. Lots and lots of milk for me! I don't need as much milk for black tea, but I do prefer at least a splash or two of milk in my tea, especially if it's been brewed for a long time.
Anyway I like C5! I like the bite of the bitterness without it being too much. I also typically have my coffee hot, it gives me the cozies.
That's only when I make coffee at home though. I'm also a sucker for sugary coffee and won't pass up some Starbucks if its offered.
c2-c3, mine is mostly not coffee and instead creamer, just like my dad does his lol
i dont like how bitter coffee usually is, i mostly have frappes and the like
2 teaspoons of sugar, w/ a moderate amount of creamer. I prefer hazelnut. Also the coffee has to be some kind of dark roast, I can't stand "lighter" coffees and such!