How do you react when you see a fly?

I get a bizarre maternal feeling after working for years in a genetics lab and maintaining the Drosophila stocks.
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I don't do anything at all, the poor fly already has most of the time to deal with my cats hunting after it.
I don't care unless it's in my room, then my murderous intent goes up 100%
I just try to swat it away with a slipper or a roll of paper. They are a toughie to catch, especially if they're bigger!
depends i let it live if its not annoying but if it is i will gently BURN IT WITH FIREEEEE

i'm sorry but when i saw this thread, this was the first thing i thought of.
then again, it's not so bad because i literally do this. i just can''t geT THE FRICKING BUG UGHHHHH!
Smack it and send it straight to hell (but only if the fly is stubbornly trying to get on me or my stuff! If they leave me alone, I leave them alone).

Also, this thread reminded me of this clip from The Simpsons where Homer travels back in time to the prehistoric age and then kills a mosquito ("Stupid bug! You go squish now!" XD):

it depends on where i’m seeing it. if it’s outside, i’ll leave it alone unless it comes near me, in which case i’d swat at it to encourage it to fly away. if it’s in my home, i’ll open the balcony door or a window to encourage it to fly back outside. if that fails, then i’ll attempt to squash it.

i always feel bad about it, but i don’t want bugs in my house, lol.
If it's outside and gets near me, I just swat it away or move away from it if it's persistent. If it gets in the car, the windows are getting rolled down until it gets the heck out.

And if it gets inside the house, I go straight for the fly-swatter. It will be shown no mercy.
i grab my electric fly swatter and i begin the hunt. i HATE flies. (in my house) (outside who am i to judge)
Maybe I'm overly sensitive but I can't bring myself to kill them because I'd feel so bad. If I come across any kind of bug then I put it in a cup and take it outside. With flying insects specifically I might open a window/door and coax it outside, or ignore it until it leaves by itself.