How do you react when you see a fly?

I'm like: "Ooh, a fly- I wonder what it's doing? What is it thinking right now? What does it think of me? Is there any food out? It's not getting my food. It's not touching me either, it could've bee anywhere and you never know how much bacteria they're carrying! Well, I better open all of the doors and windows near me to help the little fella get outside. Bye little one, good luck on your journey!".
No wonder I have a short attention span.
Ooh, a fly-
I'm serious. There's a fly.
I wonder what it's doing...
they make me so mad and always have a habit of flying in through the door when someone comes into my house and heading straight for my bedroom i don't understand

same way with moths
Just shoo it away with my hands. I don't think I've ever successfully swatted a fly with my hands but I've killed my fair share of fruit flies. Once a fly flew under my glasses and was buzzing around like mad, hitting the glass and then my eye and face ugh it was the worst.
It usually depends on how big the fly is. If it's around the size of a fruit fly, I won't hesitate to try to kill it with my hands. HOWEVER, if the fly is larger than average, then I would start flipping out and run into a different room to try to calm myself down (I'm very afraid of bugs though. Sometimes I would start crying because I'm so afraid of them lol).
i watch it like a hawk then catch it with chopsticks. just kidding.

one time there was this giant one flying around the living room in a pattern and i couldnt find a swatter so i had this large styrofoam toy baseball bat so when it came around i smacked it so hard it flew 10 feet across so quickly all the way into a plant pot on the windowside on the other side of the room.

and i could see that fat little bug spinning and buzzing as it was homerun'd out of my face.
At work I just swat them away with my hand, but if nobody's looking I'll wait till it's on a window then catch it
Wait for it to stop on a windowsill and kill it there. One shot, and one shot only. If I miss, it's back to another hour of being annoyed by buzzing.
Whenever I see a fly inside any building I'm in, I immediately attempt swatting it. It's much easier to do so if you can guess their predictable flight trajectory and favor hitting in front of it rather than their rear. Being quite persistent also helps tiring the bug faster, but don't overdo it.

With my fast reflexes and those tips in mind, I even occasionally manage to hit these flying bugs while they're flying.
I find them very bothersome, I both have a huge fear of germs and I have sensory processing issues that make noise very irritating to me. That being said, when I can, I try to catch them with my net and then release them outside, rather than squash them, because as much as I loathe them, they are actual living beings, and it honestly makes me sad how normalized killing insects is.
i usually freak out at first, and then once i'm calm and collected....
ill grab the closest thing to me and chuck that item at the fly as hard as possible. lol.
"Ugh that's annoying"
If it's in my house I'll try to trap it in the screen door and let it outside. If it's not in my house I don't really care
shoo them
then later try to catch it with a tissue
i have successfuly done it like 3 times
i want a net now... dam you animal crossing
I usually try to ignore it at home but when I am outside I occasionally try to catch it with my hat if it's annoying enough

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I usually try to ignore it at home but when I am outside on a hot day and I am wearing a hat I occasionally try to catch it with my hat if it's annoying enough
I ignore them most of the time. They don't bother me and I don't bother them. If I'm inside and they're near a door or window, I'll open it to try to let them out. If not, I just let it go about its business. I'll only shoo it away if it's flying at my face or something, and even then I don't try to hurt it, just get it to move away.

they are actual living beings, and it honestly makes me sad how normalized killing insects is.

I agree with this completely. I respect all living creatures and would never hurt them unless they were a threat. For example, I will use flea and tick treatments to protect my dogs health, but even then if I see a tick and can get it off my dog without killing it, I'll just drop it back outside.
I usually don't react at all, unless it flies into my face or something haha. They usually don't bother me unless they're those types of flies that like to hang around you all the time.