How do you stay strong?

With how much trauma I’ve dealt with I’ve had to use several different methods at a time. Mainly physical activities, taking my meds, and writing out my thoughts. Both writing things on this site and in my journal help wonders.

I’m an ambivert, which means I need a mix of alone time and opportunities to socialize. Talking with friends and family can alleviate the feelings of loneliness I often deal with.

The biggest thing is planning and acting towards my future. My biggest issue is that I let past events and people haunt me for years. By planning my career and future, I can take actions in the present to better my life.
Mentally, religion (in this case Christianity) plays a large role in keeping me calm. I always talk to God when I feel like I'm depressed or things aren't going well for me. Prayer has really helped me feel better a lot. Music has also been a great pathway to feeling better. Whether it's listening to it at my job, in the car or wherever, I definitely feel more at ease listening to it. I also just love playing games of all sorts that keep my mind busy, though I probably do play a bit too much. Sometimes I just have Twitch on in the background and have someone else playing something. Oh, and important thing is also limiting my social media use significantly. Twitter is one place you don't want to spend a large amount of time on in my personal opinion.

Physically, I'm not really doing enough in that category. In general though, I just find going on walks to be a soothing activity.
My meds help a lot. I also find my religion and prayer helpful. Reading, music, playing ukulele, playing games, meditation, yoga, all those things help me feel better.

I try to focus on what I'm grateful for everyday. I need to get some more physical activity, I enjoy walking but haven't been doing much. Now that the weather is cooling off I'll probably be doing it more. Exercise helps my mood and anxiety a lot. Talking with friends and family helps too.
I make sure to take my meds, I was on and off for like three years of my life but have been consistent after my week long panic attack last march. Whenever I get super stressed or pent up with anxiety I exercise. It is really hard for my mind to wonder too much while I'm working out, so it really helps. Practicing gratitude sounds super silly, I know, but it does work. Even if it's little things, you realize there are a lot of things you actually enjoy.

I'm also about to take up meditation for an anxiety-related psychology study my group is doing, so, that'll be fun.
Long walks help. If I'm particularly depressed or angry, I find it helps to open up a blank note in the Notes app on my phone and just rant as long as I need, then I delete it.

For a while I was using an app that game-ifies forming good habits, and it was working for a couple months.. I should really get back on that lol
Mentally, I don't lol.

Physically, honestly my previous job and current job are my exercise. At both jobs I have to lift heavy objects, anywhere from 20lbs to now possibly 40 or 50. Althou the 40-50lbs I'm lifting now are dogs, so they're easier to lift than the big metal bowl that weighted 20lbs at my old job. I can distribute their weight more evenly and balanced on my body than I can a heavy metal round object that only has two handles. I used to lift frozen dough and 40lb flour bags as well.

I'm also almost always on my feet everyday, for five days a week in a row now, on occasion I sit. Because of my stupid left knee that has been giving me problems for 7-8 years now thou, I have to be careful with not over exerting myself. Lately it's been feeling stiff even on my off days and I have to stay off of it and keep my leg horizontally straight, like on an ottoman. I don't have health insurance, my current job doesn't offer it and I don't have a few thousand to drop on medical testing and doctor visits. If it gets debilitating, then I'll think about it, but until then, I try to stop any further damage.
I have struggled with depression a lot in the past, I have very severe anxiety, and I have suffered a lot of mental trauma (interesting home stories I wont get in to). I also need to get diagnosed but I know I have a heart condition and sometimes I get very sudden chest pains and it will hurt to breathe and I feel like I'm going to die (never got diagnosed because my mom told me i need to suck it up and stop being dramatic.. then she started suffering from the same thing and thought she was about to die so now shes all about getting me diagnosed) but it flares up a lot more when I am feeling a very strong negative emotion (brought on by trauma, depressive episode, anxiety, anger, etc.)

Tbh a lot of crying, but finding someone to talk to usually always helps. Always have a hobby because I've found that really truly helps so so much. Always have something to distract you because otherwise the negative feelings tend to build up. Personally I always try to do something like baking, cleaning, writing, organizing, reading, shopping, playing a video game, watching tv, listening to music, exercising, etc. (I love to do everything that I've listed personally)

Just anything that you genuinely enjoy doing so that you can relax and take your mind as far away as possible from whatever is happening or causing stress. Whatever works for you.

Long walks are wonderful because a change of scenery and fresh air really can help to clear your head. I really enjoy running because you can just space out while you do it and let your body do the work and the endorphins from exercising are literally just feel-good chemicals that will help you feel a bit better afterwards.

Please always make sure you get lots of sleep, eat well, and drink a lot of water. I know I, and a lot of others struggle with those things a lot on bad mental health days. Please take care of yourself. I know we've never interacted on here before but I want you to know my inbox is always open if you ever need to vent, someone to relate to, advice, or just someone to talk to- please don't hesitate to talk if you ever need it : )

Hang in there 💕
ive been bullied since i was a kid. im still bullied and im in high school. now i wouldnt say im insecure or anything, im rlly happy with my life and confident in my identity. but things happen and i think abt things too long (i like to think and question life and reality) and then i get in my head. even with friends. i think too much and then i spiral


i think the key for me is that ive just been thru so much. i think ive been thru the worst part of my life already. i hope so at least. it was awful. i have a rlly hard exterior bc of all the pain ive been thru and the trauma i have now. its hard to bother me to the point where i express it so i usually build it up and release every couple months (i also dont cry idk why)

meds help too def recommend
I'm working on a mix of things. My main battles are anxiety and depression because I feel they are things that will be with me for life.
In order to lessen the effects of these things I've been making sure I get out of the house for walks multiple times per week, meditate, practice mindfulness, do things that bring me a sense of accomplishment no matter how small, and if it's possible, distance myself from people who make me feel bad about myself. I sometimes would blame myself for being too sensitive over how another person acts towards me but I am learning to not put ALL of the blame on myself and that it's okay to take a break from someone who is overwhelming me and to focus on doing relaxing activities on my own, whatever they may be. Lately discovering good music, watching a funny show or movie, drawing, cooking, reading, or just learning something new.
Oh, I was supposed to do that?

I am... working on this lol. But I think I made some good steps in my life recently and I'm moving forward. I have ADHD, which means I'm sensitive and not as good at controlling my emotions as NTs (that part of the brain is underdeveloped) and since moving I've been able to start going to counseling again. It's been a few years since I've been able to go so I've had time to think about what I want to work on.

I used to take anti-anxiety/anti-depressant but went off a couple of years ago. The main reason why I took it was when I used to regularly take ADHD meds the wear-off effect hit me badly and I believe that's what caused my depression then so that helped to manage things, and I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety (although it's normally fairly manageable). I do wonder sometimes if I should try going back on medication.

I'm making slow progress towards turning my lifestyle around, but it is progress. :lemon:
I know I've probably said it before on here, but my fictional crushes have helped me through so much, honestly. ;u; They're a huge source of comfort for me, and pretty much anything involving them rarely fails to cheer me up when I'm down. They help me stay motivated and inspired too. I often have a hard time reassuring or doing things for myself, but I find it much easier via fictional character proxy.
This same general principle could easily apply to any other sort of comfort character/thing/etc, not just romantic ones, of course—I'm just a hopeless sap ahahaha.

Otherwise, I mainly try to keep myself occupied and distracted from any anxious thoughts I'm having. Depending on my mood and needs at the time, I'll play video games, read, watch stuff, color, etc. When I'm in a depressive episode, anything I feel up to doing is better than doing nothing (because if I don't find something, I can go downhill fast), and keeping my mind busy is the best thing I can do when I'm anxious over something. Depending on how bad the anxiety is, sometimes I may need to multitask—having something playing in the background while I'm doing something else is pretty helpful for that. Any comforting objects/images I can surround myself with help too.

For the physical aspect, I like to do varied workouts, typically for anywhere from 15 minutes to over half an hour, depending on what I'm feeling up to that day mentally and physically. Some days I might just do some walking, other days I might be feeling up to something more complex. If I've got a lot going on, I won't force myself to exercise either—I've found that I'm more likely to burn out altogether if I do. I'll also usually listen to music I like while I'm working out; it helps me through it and makes it a lot more enjoyable.

Ideally, at some point soon, I'd also like to start seeing a therapist and try to get on some medication that works for me, but I haven't managed to work that out yet.
I’ve built resilience over a number of years and no matter what I’ve been through I can say the one thing that’s helped me is to be kind to others. It makes me feel good and it’s nice when it’s reciprocated. The world can be a dark place but there are silver linings everywhere you go - with this forum as one example!
I was in a very dark place a few years ago and felt lost - I was working in a dead end job and had just broken up with my mentally abusive partner and was alone in Scotland with no idea what the future held.

flash forward to 3 years later - I’ve done 2 years at college and have started uni at 26 which is something I always thought was impossible as I didn’t fit the mould to be a student. I’m now working towards my dream job, with a partner whom I love dearly and have just bought a house with.

I try to take pleasure in the little things - watching my favourite show, listening to a good song or having a nice cuddle! I guess what I’m trying to say is no matter how dark your darkest days are, things can change so quickly. Our time here is limited so why not stick it out just to see what happens?
as always if you need anybody to talk to you can message me anytime 😊
Forgot to mention this one, but I've also found gratitude exercises to be very helpful with my anxiety/depression as well as FOMO, which I'm fairly prone to. I don't force myself if it's a rough day and I'm not feeling up to it, but I feel like I've seen some improvements even just keeping up with it semi-regularly. The exercises don't really have to be anything extravagant or craftsy (though they certainly can be if you want it to, and there's tons of ideas for those out there); sometimes just taking a couple minutes to go "man, I'm glad about This Thing" to myself can be a real mood-booster.
At the highest level, I remind myself that if I give up on caring about my life and where it's going, there is nobody else in this world who can help me.

More tactically, I take care of my body by:
- Getting enough sleep (between seven to eight hours)
- Working out four to five times every week (lifting weights, doing Pilates, doing HIIT)
- Stretching for ten minutes every day
- Eating when I'm hungry and only to a point of feeling satiated. Currently, I intermittent fast, and I've found my body really vibes with it. I eat two meals with a snack (fruit) in between between noon to 8pm.
- Aiming to drink at least one glass of water every one to two hours

I take care of my mind by:
- Writing down what's bothering me or talking it out with my S/O (who's a great listener)
- Practicing gratitude
- Practicing spirituality. Remembering that this life is a test. Actively exploring and seeking a sense of purpose & duty.
- Appreciating art and beauty. I love listening to music; watching anime, films, and TV shows.
- Keeping a spreadsheet of "work wins." I update this at least once a week.
- On the same spreadsheet, I also have lists of what I love about myself, reasons why I can attain any goals I set out for myself, and areas of my mind I'm actively working on strengthening.
- Exploring whatever topic or subject has captured my mind's interest. My mind is highly dynamic, so it's in frequent need of new stimuli! I try to read two books every month.
- Learning to sit with "negative" emotions instead of pushing them away or repressing them. Acknowledging that they're a normal part of life.

I love thinking about and discussing resilience (this stuff gives me life, hehe), so feel free to message me any time if you would like to chat. 💜
I cry and vent into the void. Then I go to sleep and wake up and let my body just go through the daily routine. If it's bad enough, I try to play a game or read something so my brain is distracted enough to heal. In my experience, it takes both a lot and a little to be strong. But maybe the most important part of the process for me is to spend the time remembering I'm human and imperfect and that weakness is just another aspect of strength.
i have anxiety and depression and have a lot of issues to say the least lol, but i probably wouldnt be here if not for the fact that i believe in God and therefore i believe my life has a purpose. i also take meds on the daily and ive gone to various therapists in the past.

when i have bad days, i remind myself of all the other times in the past that I have overcome challenges and try to see the bigger picture, and then try to do a lot of self care and stuff like that. on normal days I sometimes struggle doing every day tasks like cleaning and doing laundry, but I've found that putting my headphones in and blasting some upbeat music helps me get inspired. also the game Celeste has really helped me realize how much I put myself down and I've been trying really hard to be kinder to myself!
I just get up every day and do whatever I'm capable of doing. If I didn't have pets to look after, I would probably be more depressed than I am but with them, I have to get up to feed them, let the dog out, scoop the cat box, change their water. I manage to be showered with clean clothes and go to work. Not much else but I'm trying not to berate myself for just getting by.