How easily do you trust people?


Sep 20, 2013
Do you have trust issues or trust too easily? I literally try and see the good in everyone I meet, so this causes me to open up. It’s not until later that I realize that not everyone has the best intentions.

I am just going to start being more careful with who I associate with. I’ve had people I thought were my friends, but they ended up not being 100% genuine. You just realize that you have to be careful about who you trust. This is exactly the reason you shouldn’t make friends or trust people at work. People are at work to make money, not friends.

If you do have trust issues, is that something you’re trying to work on? I don’t think being too trusting is necessarily a bad thing, but it does put you in a position to get hurt.
i trust people automatically, i've not had many people in my life break my trust so i'm not particularly guarded! in saying that though i do try and be sensible and not share my deepest fears & secrets to people i hardly know
I always see the good in people. It does take a while before I really trust people though. Superficially I get on with most people. I find it hard to open up and only a very few close friends really know me.

Trust takes time. I am a great believer in the saying “Shame on you if you fool me once. Shame on me if you fool me twice” Always give people a chance. One chance.
I trust people pretty easily, but it’s caused me to get taken advantage of plenty of times in the past. I’m more guarded around others now. I‘ll enjoy conversations and good times with people, but if they really want to know more about me they’re going to have to be my friend for longer and prove that they’re worthy of it. I don’t have a lot of friends anyway, so I’d be surprised if someone came up to me suddenly wanting to know all about me.
It usually takes me awhile to open up. But I think I trust people fairly easy or at least until something happens that makes me mad or hurt. Then it is is difficult to trust again. Also, it kinda depends on the person and the circumstance. Like I think I have gotten pretty comfortable on this discord server I joined. But not enough to show my picture or exchange codes with. I think there is other things besides trust that play a part in this as well.
I trust everyone until they make it obvious to me that they cant be
Not so easily, i am a person who distrusts the kindness of people 😒
try to understand that i'm someone who doesn't have friends, so i get suspicious everytime someone is nice to me.
I'm in a weird between state of like I trust people but I don't trust them right away either. Like it's an odd like I trust you enough but i would like tell you secrets right away or let you drive my car or something ya know?

I've had a lot of bad experiences with some people I thought I could trust but I'm learning that not everyone is horrible and it's okay to trust people.
I always try to assume the best about people when I first meet them and I can be polite and friendly, but I don't really open up or trust people until I've known them a while. I don't think I have trust issues, but I will be wary until I'm more comfortable with someone.
Well I'm on both sides:
If I've seen you before and you seem nice, I trust you.
However usually I don't trust people I just met because you don't know anything about them
I definitely don't trust easily as I've been hurt so many times in the past, also I tend to see the good in people too much and that's not always a good thing especially when they turn out to be crappy people who have no problem unexpectedly dropping me as a friend. These days I like to keep my circle of friends really small and have a few acquaintances outside of that small circle.
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I don't trust anyone until they have actually proven they are worthy of trust.
But to be fair, I don't expect people to trust me either unless I've proven myself to them.

Trust and respect are things you should earn, and not simply assume they will be bestowed upon you without doing anything. Just my opinion, though.
I trust nobody fully. I barely even trust my own self at times haha. Seriously though, I think some of this stems from many years of abusive relationships and some stems from my own sporadic mental health.

I learned the hard way that putting your trust in the hands of the wrong person can result in horrible consequences, so I am much more guarded.
these days i'm pretty distrustful of almost everyone. after enough disappointment you start to learn that most people on this earth are just in it for themselves, even people i thought i could fully trust have ended up stabbing me in the back somehow, so i'm done with that.
I make friends easily and trust people until they give me a reason not to. I don't like people who lie and that's the fastest way to break any trust I have in you. Very few things upset me, so I'd rather someone tell me something I don't want to hear than lie to me.
I tend to open up right away since it just comes out like word vomit but I'm usually a bit weary to get in their car with them or invite them over or something like that.
That depends on what you mean.

I like to see the good in people and assume the best, so I'm almost always willing to give everybody a chance. I'm not untrusting in the sense of, "I don't know you so I won't even talk to you," but I'm also not about to tell everyone I meet that I'm gay or go into my life's history. I know that there's a line where I need to keep my guard up because telling people certain things can be putting myself in danger and I'm aware of that.

Again though, I like to see the best in people. I can be too trusting in the sense of I always assume everybody is going to do the right thing. I won't see that somebody is taking advantage of me when it comes to constantly switching shifts at work, or being asked to do the more unfavorable tasks, because I'm not assuming that somebody is asking me to do those things out of spite or just to benefit themselves. If somebody asks me to take their closing shift (despite the fact that I opened this morning) I'm assuming it's because they have an appointment, family thing, something along those lines and not that they're going out to a party.

It's only after I've relayed the experiences above to other people and have them laugh at me and then be like, "Seriously?" and explain what was actually going on that I'm like Oh. 😅 So in instances like that I can definitely be too naïve and too trusting, just assuming that people wouldn't be purposefully taking advantage of me. But again, I know some things like when to and when to not disclose personal things about myself that could be used against me. In that sense I can be a little be too walled up and it makes it hard for me to make friends so I'm always kind of standing in that acquaintance bubble with people.
I used to trust people pretty easy. I'd always give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they're trusting people.

Experience has taught me that this isn't the case and I should be cautious as to who I put my trust in.
-Lumi- explained really well how I feel about trusting people, I don't automatically mistrust people and I can be a bit naïve, but I know when to keep my guard up and to at least not tell every person I talk to my life story or the horrible trauma I've had to endure, that is something I only talk about to REALLY close friends tbh since I don't want every single person I know to know all the bad stuff that's happened to me. Being in this middle ground also makes it so I can see if someone is trying to take advantage of me relatively easily based on past experience, and of course I notice red flags kinda quick as well and I'm not afraid to address them