Somewhere in the region of "reasonably hot" to "warm". Like I definitely don't want it so hot that I burn my mouth trying to eat it, but I don't want it too cool that I can't fully enjoy it, either.
if i’m reheating something i usually give it extra time, more than it probably needs bc i hate getting a bite that’s even lukewarm. so yea, the first bite usually does burn my mouth lol
I like reasonably hot food. I prefer eating hot foods like pizza and pasta after waiting a few minutes so I don't burn myself. The same goes for drinking tea. I wait a while so I don't scald my tongue, though I don't want to drink tea if it's too cold. I really don't like eating leftovers because prefer eating hot food when it's fresh and ready.
Reasonably hot, because too hot is too much for me and the times i burnt my mouth because i can be careless sometimes and sometimes lukewarm because its just right
I like my foods reasonably hot. I know a few people who like their pizza after it sits in the fridge and they don’t reheat it. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have it fresh and reasonably hot. Pizza just seems kind of dry after sitting in the fridge and it’s cold. I don’t understand why some people like cold foods that are supposed to be hot, but to each their own, I guess.
My sensitivity to heat only allows me to eat anything thats warm or cooler. But that makes some foods not as good because they're meant to be eaten while it's very hot
I like it when my food is almost to the point that it will burn my tongue, but at the same time won't actually burn my tongue. Tasting a layer of my mouth peeling and burning my tongue are two of my pet peeves.