How Long Do You Usually Play AC:CF

#Garrett said:
Alice said:
#Garrett said:
Tyler said:
#Garrett said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
It doesnt really matter how people type on here, this isn't exactly an Engish classroom
Yes you are right, it isn't. Still people should try and sound atleast <big>alittle</big> bit smarter. =P
Erm just because I never put a 't' at the end of your name, and put 'ain't' instead of 'It isn't' Doesn't mean I am dumb. Sure my grammar isn't perfect, but it's pretty good.
Thats why the word <big>alittle</big> is <big>bigger</big> because I didn't mean that you are the dumbest person in the world. -_-
I never said you did >.< I just noticed you said 'People should try and act a little smarter' I try my best. I'm sorry if it isn't to your standard.
Also I'm actually pretty smart for my age.
Alice said:
#Garrett said:
Alice said:
#Garrett said:
Alice said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
It "IS" IMO and YOU should have said "it isn't" saying "it ain't" makes you sound like your stupid. -_-

Well maybe you are considering you spelled my name wrong and its right in front of you. :p
FYI, I never looked at your name. I just knew it was something like 'Garret' because your avatar is familiar to me. I just posted quickly, I can't be bothered to look at names for Christ's sake!
FYI, I never looked at your name. Why?
I just knew it was something like 'Garret' Yes but its Garrett! with TWO T's.
because your avatar is familiar to me. It is how? did you mean "isn't" Haha a word you do not understand.
I just posted quickly, Whats the rush?
I can't be bothered to look at names for Christ's sake! Start.

@Kaleb Haha. :D
To be honest I don't care. I just remembered your avatar, as I scrolled down the page quickly.
Like I've said I knew it was something like 'Garret' I don't see what the big deal is?
I'm fed up with everyone messing up my name! :mad: All it takes is take 5 secs look at a user name then post. Thats all everyone is just lazy. -_- =P

You didn't answer me in my last post
Atleast I don't have a hard-to-spell name...By that, I mean a confusing one. If mine was... it'd be like:
But its spelled like it is pronounced, so it is Kaleb....
So no worries for me.. my name is always spelled right..
Yes, true, why don't we just stay on topic... really....
There is no need to argue about how a name is spelled....make a new topic for that anyway...
It's wierd how an arguement broke out on something like this....
Alice said:
Let's not feed the troll. Anyway, I thought more people would be on over 5 hours!
I know I am! However, I haven't been on much today because not very many people were on. People mainly get on in the evening... =)
(My 2nd favorite time of the day= evening, favorite on school days)
So.... I will probably be on for a while today....
There is so much to do each day on animal crossing though. I am currently working on a large enviroment project. :gyroiddance:
Kaleb said:
Alice said:
Let's not feed the troll. Anyway, I thought more people would be on over 5 hours!
I know I am! However, I haven't been on much today because not very many people were on. People mainly get on in the evening... =)
(My 2nd favorite time of the day= evening, favorite on school days)
So.... I will probably be on for a while today....
There is so much to do each day on animal crossing though. I am currently working on a large enviroment project. :gyroiddance:
I'm working on a huge orchard at the moment, hence why nobody is allowed in my town at the current time. But yeah The park thing sounds really good.
Kaleb said:
Alice said:
Let's not feed the troll. Anyway, I thought more people would be on over 5 hours!
I know I am! However, I haven't been on much today because not very many people were on. People mainly get on in the evening... =)<br />(My 2nd favorite time of the day= evening, favorite on school days)<br />So.... I will probably be on for a while today....<br />There is so much to do each day on animal crossing though. I am currently working on a large enviroment project. :gyroiddance: <br />
I'm working on a huge orchard at the moment, hence why nobody is allowed in my town at the current time. But yeah The park thing sounds really good.
Alice said:
Kaleb said:
Alice said:
Let's not feed the troll. Anyway, I thought more people would be on over 5 hours!
I know I am! However, I haven't been on much today because not very many people were on. People mainly get on in the evening... =)
(My 2nd favorite time of the day= evening, favorite on school days)
So.... I will probably be on for a while today....
There is so much to do each day on animal crossing though. I am currently working on a large enviroment project. :gyroiddance:
I'm working on a huge orchard at the moment, hence why nobody is allowed in my town at the current time. But yeah The park thing sounds really good.
I hope for the project to be finished when everything is green in Spring! I'll write an advertisement....
Beautiful green cedars surround the glistening Bearcity Lake, creating a fine veiw and a wonderful picnic area. Watch your step as you walk over Central Path amidst the field of flamboyant flowers and a forest of everlasting greenery....
Lol, kinda cheesy, but it could certainly help me invite people over.....
Alice said:
Let's not feed the troll. Anyway, I thought more people would be on over 5 hours!
If you noticed I stopped posting, but with the brain of a pea that would be hard to see.

I'm leaving. If you have <big>nothing </big>better to do then reply back to me :D

I made nothing bigger because you can't see the normal text.