How Long Do You Usually Play AC:CF

i usually play for 2-3 hours a day on and off throughout the day doing little bits and pieces. maybe sometimes 4 hours if the odd chance someone actually has their gates open when i play...
#Garrett said:
Alice said:
Let's not feed the troll. Anyway, I thought more people would be on over 5 hours!
If you noticed I stopped posting, but with the brain of a pea that would be hard to see.

I'm leaving. If you have <big>nothing </big>better to do then reply back to me :D

I made nothing bigger because you can't see the normal text.
Come on, lighten up or something! Can't you just stop trying to start an argument. Oh wow, she's considered stupid because she spelled your name incorrectly....
Really, this creates spam and whatnot. It's not a very big deal so just get over it....
its tough to be exact on average 4-5hours unless friends are on then can be up to 10hours highest day was one clock
It's 30 minutes, Meh, the game is kinda boring now. Plus, I have other awesome games to play.
30 min now since my wii freezes if I play over an hour.
Plus I gotta cook and clean and other stuff
2-3 hours school -.-

but in vacations i used to play 10 hours D= lol
faller1218 said:
2-3 hours, I have an actual life, and my real friends.
I don't mean to sound mean, what I meant is that I like to be around my friends, plus I have homework a lot (I'm a smart kid, so I'm in Algebra I a year early).
Well actually it depends what I want to do, so like between 1-2 hours.

But Im searching people with the gates open all the day.
i play, like, 2- 3hours per. day....
i dont play so much because of my parents... i have to do everything for them!
EVERYTHING! sometimes i really get freaking mad at them!