How many characters do you use in your town?

auraguy said:
1 only. I'm an only child and I don't see any reason for me to make more than 1.
1. Storing more items
2. its just plain fun to use multiple characters
3. a full attic =]
I have 2, but I only made the second one (Starr) to see what villagers say about me (Courtnee).
probably now 4
1) my main (all awesome friends XD)
2) 4 the cool newbies
3) 4 the other cool newbies
4) trading/storing
list gets full too fast! @.@
EDIT: but might have to get rid of one of the newbie ones cuz
I'm the only child out of three who lives with my father my other siblings are in Florida so I have the game to myself along with a lot of other things.
I have 4, I only use one tho.
The rest hold patterns that make my town theme ^^
but I shoulda gave em different names...
Mel(thats me)
Mel d
I only use one. No more, no less. It feels right for some reason, only to use one person.