how many daily tasks do you still do?


♫no money, no boyfriend♫
Jul 17, 2018
by daily tasks i mean:
-digging up & assessing fossils
-hitting money rock
-digging up gold spot (& planting money tree)
-finding beach diy bottle
-shaking trees for wasps/bells/furniture

and anything else i've missed.

i still do all of them except digging up fossils and shaking trees, which i've only been doing for fall materials. otherwise they're some of the first things i do every day i play!
I've been a little off task lately, but I usually do most of these. I don't shake trees unless I want sticks, though. I try my best to dig up fossils and its not the easiest. Do you hit your other rocks besides the money one?
I have no interest in the glowing spot.
It's just more wear and tear on my shovel.

I have been avoiding all the things I use to do in previous AC games because of crafting and breaking tools.

I no longer enjoy fishing, bug catching or hitting rocks, because it's not relaxing as I am constantly thinking about having to customize the tools, having mild OCD, I tend to customize each tool after every use.

600 bells a pop.
I keep 100 kits on me, and it costs up to 50k a day to maintain them.

Nintendo need to get rid of the breaking tools because that isn't AC, and it's driving long term players away.

Until then, I'll keep avoiding the daily tasks I use to enjoy.
I've been a little off task lately, but I usually do most of these. I don't shake trees unless I want sticks, though. I try my best to dig up fossils and its not the easiest. Do you hit your other rocks besides the money one?
if i need materials yeah i'll hit the other rocks. otherwise, i'll hit it once, and once i see it's not my money rock then i move on.
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I have no interest in the glowing spot.
It's just more wear and tear on my shovel.

I have been avoiding all the things I use to do in previous AC games because of crafting and breaking tools.

I no longer enjoy fishing, bug catching or hitting rocks, because it's not relaxing as I am constantly thinking about having to customize the tools, having mild OCD, I tend to customize each tool after every use.

600 bells a pop.
I keep 100 kits on me, and it costs up to 50k a day to maintain them.

Nintendo need to get rid of the breaking tools because that isn't AC, and it's driving long term players away.

Until then, I'll keep avoiding the daily tasks I use to enjoy.
tool breakage is killllllllling me. i've taken to customizing my tools just recently as well, because having to craft or buy more is so irritating. i can't believe even the golden tools break.
From your list, the only thing I do daily is find the beach diy bottle. Everything else I do only occasionally. If I need resources, I go to islands, so I'm not even hitting my rocks or trees for that. I do the seasonal stuff daily, though, like picking up mushrooms.
I don't play every day anymore, but when do I still check Nook's and Able's and the daily items from the Nook online app thing (I forget what its called). I also do some seasonal dailies (like pick up 5 mushrooms a day) and I try to harvest wood and stones every once in a while. And if I remember I'll look for the daily recipe bottle on the beach!

Unlike others I really don't mind tool breakage at all, I guess I don't farm materials as intensely as they do. I also don't do the customizing trick (I can see how that gets expensive) and instead just craft new tools because that's a lot easier in my opinion.
-digging up & assessing fossils: when I run by them and have a second. I tend to dump them all in a pile on my beach until I have 30 or so to assess at once.
-hitting money rock: once a month maybe?
-digging up gold spot (& planting money tree): never
-finding beach diy bottle: pretty much daily
-shaking trees for wasps/bells/furniture: about once a week. Sometimes I'll do it daily for a week and then forget again.
Of the ones you listed... the only find the beach diy frequently. Since finishing my museum no need to dig/assess fossils so I buried 6 behind my campsite to keep them spawning in places o don’t want them. Hit rocks on if I need quick materials to craft something. That’s it.
I don’t do many of the daily tasks anymore. The only collection I have finished at the museum is the fossils so don’t need to dig them up anymore. If I need materials then I will hit rocks and shake trees. Mostly daily things I do are checking beach for Gulliver/Gullivarr checking Ables for outfits, nooks and then weeding and seasonal stuff.
Tasks I currently do:
  1. Bottle DIY
  2. Hitting Rocks for Bells/Material
  3. Chopping trees for wood
  4. Bury 30K Bells in golden spot (30% of the the time I'll profit 60K Bells)
  5. Five daily Nook Miles+ tasks
  6. Check shops
  7. Talk to all my villagers, except Quillson (he gets hit with a net until he leave lol)
  8. Whatever I feel like doing until I feel like getting off for a bit
i have a little list of chores on my NH app that i mark off as i go, although in no particular order. most of them get done during my first lap of the island, but if they don't (though it's really only the fossil + mushroom ones), they get done in the second lap when i shake all the trees. it's really just generic stuff though:
  • find the four fossils;
  • find the glowing spot;
  • find the money rock/newly spawned rock;
  • water my flowerbed;
  • check the nook stop;
  • find whoever is crafting;
  • find the recipe bottle;
  • collect all five mushrooms.
then i just check the two shops, buy anything i haven't catalogued yet, and talk to all of my villagers and do whatever they want even though i currently have all of their pictures lmao. sometimes if i'm not tired and have the time, i'll spend a little while racking up nook miles but i haven't really done this in a while since i'm currently at 300k miles. if CJ is there i'll just farm him instead. no real need since i have 20mil bells but.
The only task I do regularly is check for the DIY bottle because I am DIY-deprived. I don't actively search for fossils, but will dig them up if I come across them! :)
Right now I just collect mushrooms for crafting and fossils to give to my villagers to increase friendship level lol
The only thing I make sure to do every day is give gifts to the villagers that I'm still trying to get photos from. The other stuff I try to do everyday, but sometimes forget.
I do all the ones from your list except shaking trees. I have too many trees too close together, so when I shake them, the materials get everywhere and it's a hassle to find them all. I like to find, assess, and sell the fossils every day, though-- it gives me a nice bit of pocket change. I also talk to all my villagers and give them some wrapped coconuts.
None at all haha I haven't done daily tasks in a long time I have just been to stressed trying to play it again to go back and keep working on perfecting my island. But maybe I need to go back to daily tasks to get me to play again :(
The only things I am doing daily right now are villager gifts/talking to villagers, and checking the shops for new things I haven't cataloged.
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I talk to my villagers and get the message in a bottle. I don’t shake all my trees anymore and I also sometimes don’t get the fossils. I haven’t finished my fossils since I restarted back in June and took a break during august, but sometimes I don’t feel like digging up stuff. I’m currently remodeling my island so that takes up my time instead of daily tasks. Oh and I check for an NPC and I check the shops
Daily I pick up the bottle, all the shells and tree branches.
2nd Player shakes the tree for free items/Nook Miles. Harvest trees when resources are low.
I don’t have all of my villagers’ pictures so I still give gifts to two of them every day. Otherwise, I hit my rocks every day still because I’ve been running really low on iron ore and I check the beach both for Gulliver/Gullivarr and pick the the bottle DIY while I’m at it.

But yeah, otherwise, I have so many freakin’ Nook Miles that I absolutely don’t bother with the Nook Miles+ stuff. What’s the point?