how many daily tasks do you still do?

- Gold spot
- DIY bottle
- free NookStop miles
- Harvey's island for DAL points
- daily visitor

With all five characters, though the visitor varies of course.
i literally do all of these every single day still, and i probably wont stop. i'm not sure why, but it's just.. a small sense of accomplishment? checking off those daily to-dos from my animal crossing time. 🤷‍♀️

i do definitely talk to all of my villagers as well, that's something i consider a daily task also. not that it's really a task.
I check mail, pick up branches and weeds and currently mushrooms, check the shops, talk to all my villagers and see who's crafting, find the message bottle, find the visitor, change clothes.

If I want to bang rocks, I go to a mystery island. The fossils are permanently buried behind a cliff. I don't pick my foreign fruit, and if I need fruit for energy I use my coconut trees because even the pear trees are too surrounded by stuff to be of good use. I don't go diving very often because I've gotten all the mermaid DIYs and most of the clothes. Whatever else I'm leaving out, I probably don't do it either.
My dailies include:
-picking up mushrooms
-digging up/assessing fossils
-do whatever task relating to daily visitor
-checking Able Sisters
-doing whatever Nook Mile+ tasks that are easily done
-planting 10k in gold dig spot
-get my daily nook mile reward from nook stop

I do this across 3 different player characters I have and that's really it. My play time has really died down due to real life stuff.
  • i've found all my fossils so no need to do that anymore
  • i hit my money rock occasionally, but not always
  • i keep forgetting to do the money tree lol
  • still getting my diy bottle
  • and i got the achievement for shaking trees a long while ago no so i don't do that anymore either
I've been pretty lazy with the dailies and nook miles + tasks since the beginning of the game, but the few things I try to do every day that I play the game would be:
- check nooks and ables for new items that I don't have yet
- check who the day's NPC is
- talk to at least one villager
but I still dig up fossils if I see them since I'm missing one and it's bound to show up some day, and I'll hit up rocks or chop wood if I need materials for a certain DIY. I'm trying to start checking my mail daily too, so that it doesn't pile up.
I don’t purposely do pretty much any of the tasks, but I do end up doing them by accident while I am doing everything else. Though fishing has lost its charm for me because of the tool breakage so I don’t fish everyday like I used to.
i do things if i see things needing to be done, like if i see the bottle i'll pick it up and if i see the dig spot i will bury money, but i don't go out of my way to find them and finish tasks. the most daily task thing i do is check my able sisters, i also check nook's cranny but not as much. i still have clothes i am looking for so yeah. i try to give my villagers gifts every day also but i usually only end up giving gifts to a few

some tasks i don't do are material gathering, money rocks, fossil hunting (i dug down fossils behind my museum so i don't have to dig up dig spots everywhere) and checking the store in the nook phone, not because i have all the songs i want but because i just can't be bothered, i'll just let kk slider give me the last few i need
I find the bottle and I shake the trees when I need branches to craft tools. Sometimes I'll find money or the items.
I check for a beach bottle and check for whatever villager is crafting and get that recipe. I also check Able's to see if there is anything I haven't collected. Villagers whose portraits I don't have (currently 2 of them) get a gift. I check for my daily visitor. I will still be diving for a scallop every day until I get the last few recipes.

I don't play on weekends at all. It takes me about 15 minutes to do all that, with some variance based on what clothing there is to buy and how long it takes to find a scallop.
daily, i:
- dug up and assess fossils
- gift villagers who have not given me their pictures yet said fossils (wrapped)
- check shops & visitor
- pick weeds and mushrooms and pick up sticks bc they are an EYESORE and i am trying to cultivate an IMAGE

i try to remember to grab the diy bottle every day and check crafting villagers for my friends who don't have every diy yet, but i almost always forget, honestly.

i do not:
- chop wood
- shake trees
- hit rocks
- dig up the money spot
- water flowers
i honestly don't even bother doing the nook mile tasks anymore. Its not much but i have a few thousand over 100k nook miles which i hardly ever use.
honestly I stopped doing majority of the daily tasks... I don’t need the DIYs anymore aside from the seasonal ones and I don’t really need money or furniture so I stopped picking up bottles, checking villagers’ houses, digging up glowing spots, and shaking trees

I do look for mushrooms nowadays but it’s kinda tedious so I might just buy them from someone else. I dig up fossils time to time but I haven’t been doing them daily 😔 I also don’t hit rocks or water flowers. I do dig up my flowers to trash/sell after it rains tho
I don’t really have any tasks that I do daily, to be honest. Aside from checking the shops & seeing if anybody is in my plaza I’ll just do other tasks when I feel like it. It’s gotten to a point where a lot of the DIYs I get from bottles are repeats so I don’t always grab them now and I only shake/chop trees and hit rocks when I need materials for crafts. Every now and then I’ll do the money tree but only if it’s in a nice spot and I feel like it!
I mostly just check the shops, collect mushrooms, give my villagers gifts, dig up fossils to get assessed and then sell (I finished the fossil part of the museum), get the message bottle, and that's about it.
Things I still do daily:
  • Dig up and assess the four fossils
  • Shake down trees for the five wasps and two furniture items (with my alternate character)
  • Collect the five mushrooms
  • Check the shops for new clothes and wrapping paper
  • Gift two wrapped foreign fruits to all my villagers (with my main character only)
Things I do when I remember to:
  • Hit all six rocks
  • Check into the Nook Stop machine (I don't know why I sometimes forget this and lose my streak >_<)
I am picking up mushrooms and tree branches. I am also removing weeds and excavating fossils. Other than that, I still visit Nook Stop to get my daily 300 Nook Miles and plant a money tree.

Lastly, I am still checking who's the daily visitor.
My daily routine consists of the following:
-Check in for my Nook Miles streak
-Pick pumpkins and water the patch
-Pick foreign fruit
-Find fossils, assess them, and sell them
-Talk to my villagers. Sometimes give gifts, but not always
-Find the bottle on the shore
-Check out the stores if they’re open (but I often play too late)
-Try to find a villager who is crafting a DIY and get the recipe
-Sometimes plant a money tree, but only if the gold spot is in a convenient location. I don’t generally bother to move the sapling once I plant it.
-Water the flowers I’m trying to breed
-Customize any tools I’ve been using a lot to reset their durability

I generally skip rocks, shaking trees, and hitting trees with the stone axe for wood. I used to do those daily, but got fed up with tools breaking, and started to get too many materials for my storage.

My routine, in full, takes about 30 minutes. Sometimes I’ll shorten it, particularly if I’m playing late. If I have extra time, I’ll try to do a little bit of work on some design aspect of my island to stay engaged (pathing, thinking about new areas, customizing furniture to put outside, etc.).