How many friends do you have Irl?

I only consider 2 others to be my friends IRL. One of them is like my partner (NOT IN ROMANCE WAYS) since we do everything together :3

And the other guy, its friendly banter :D
I have two really really close friends. Then I have others, who are more of acquaintances, I suppose. But I don't really want, or need any more than the couple I have. Friendship for me is about quality, not quantity.
None. I used to have two back when I lived in a different state, but since I moved and they never e-mail me anymore (smh!?!? I always emailed them but they stopped replying. i don't even know what I did wrong...) I can't really say I have any.

I'm hoping I'll make friends after I move, since the neighborhood seems nice. I just don't know.... it's really hard to imo
My best friend of 12+ years
My best friend of like 6+ years
and my boyfriend, we've known each other since April/May 2014 our 2 year dating anniversary is June 4th 2016 ^.^
i have 5 close friends (i guess i have one 'best' friend but best friend sounds lame) and about 25-30 or so friends! mostly from high school, but quite a few from uni and other things!

edit: i only have 2 online friends though which is i'm guessing is probably different to a lot of ppl on here
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I only consider 5 or 6 people I know to be actual friends.
3 close close friends irl. I have several other "friends" but I'm not sure if I can ever classify them as that. To me I've always been used to having a small close friendship group (which I like) so I'm not sure what people would call a "friend", really. I mean, I have people that I hang out with at school sometimes, and talk to in form time and in lessons and stuff, and we get along well, follow each other on Tumblr and stuff like that... I'd consider them to be friends but, I don't really hang out with them outside of school, nor do I know them that well.

If we're counting online friends, then 4 close online friends. I talk to some other people too but again we aren't that close.
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I have 8 real life friends however I haven't talked to half of them for the longest time :(
but I only have one "best friend"
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I have 1 friend, but I promised myself I would work harder on relationships from now on since I'm not really good at keeping in touch.
all my close friends moved for college, sure we still text but it's not the same.
i need new friends lol
Hmm.. I'd say 3.

I've met one of them during high school a few years back and she's been the sweetest person to me ever. Very grateful to have her, but sadly I haven't been in contact with her for a few months now.

Another I've met during high school and we've hung out and talked a lot! Very awesome person.

Lastly, my best friend ever. Met him since middle school and we've been talking and hanging out for years on and still do! He's extremely awesome and fun to be with.
I think I have five or six friends that I feel close enough to let in my house. I'm making more tech friends at my university though.
I have about 7 normal friends, and one proper best friend as of now ^-^
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