How many friends do you have Irl?

(well since the old thread was closed I might as well post this here) Truth be told I don't have anymore friends and I prefer not to have any friends give how I have so much bad experiences with them. If there is one thing my therapist told me its this "Sometimes its best not to have a lot of friends when you've been hurt by ones who were suppose to be your friend but they turned against you. Always trust your gut whenever you feel like something isn't right and be around those who support you the best. Its all about quality rather than quantity"

I am glad I don't feel too bad about not having any friends because at least I have some people in life who support me for who I am.
I had quite a few growing up, but when you get older you start to just want a couple of good, close friends and that's it.

My friend group has gone down to 5. I don't have any interest in making any new ones. I kinda enjoy being by myself most of the time anyway.
I would prefer to have a couple good ones than a bunch of them who probably aren't even that great of friends.