into oblivion and unto death!
1248 days ago Nintendo blessed us with New Horizons and if you're anything like me then you played hundreds of hours in the first month alone. But now a whopping 29,944 hours have passed since we got the game, how many of those hours have you spent on New Horizons? Is there any specific reason your playtime is what it is?
If you're not completely sure then an educated guess is permissible
My playtime clocks in at roughly 2284 hours, 2250 of those hours being on my main island and the rest being on the island that I share with my partner. The final total is an estimate with a give-or-take of around 100 hours as I've tallied up playtime coming from 4 switches lol.
If you're not completely sure then an educated guess is permissible
My playtime clocks in at roughly 2284 hours, 2250 of those hours being on my main island and the rest being on the island that I share with my partner. The final total is an estimate with a give-or-take of around 100 hours as I've tallied up playtime coming from 4 switches lol.