As of now, 1,135 hours or more.
There are times where I do not play for weeks or well this time it was about a month ago? Been slightly busy, but since my Island still isn't complete I do plan to play more when I can!!
According to my Switch profile, I've played for 1,530 hours or more. Most of these hours were accumulated when the game first came out, as I played daily. Nowadays, I take breaks and play other games, returning to this one whenever I feel like it.
I'm surprised that I haven't posted here when I voted in the poll a while ago. XP
I have over 1000 hours in AC:NH by now. I played it religiously when I first got it in July of 2020, but I took long breaks in the last couple of years. It's the game I have the most hours in, with only Breath of the Wild and Tomodachi Life following somewhat close behind.