How many internet tabs do you have open?

apparently 19 mobile tabs. every time I open chrome it just opens a new tab which is so annoying and I forget that I have so many open
I've got 12 tabs open currently and I would say this is a pretty typical amount for me. Right now 5 of them are books that I might borrow from the library and 2 are youtube videos I want to watch later.
Nowadays I only keep one tab up most of the time. The only exception is when I’m doing an involved assignment. During those I’ll have upwards of five tabs at once.
Just the one right now. I usually try to keep it to 3-5 at most though; having too many tabs open starts to get a little overwhelming. I've got four tabs open on my phone though—two are video game walkthroughs that I'm just leaving up so I won't have to find the spot I'm at again.
I have 11 tabs open right now and a handful of them are Youtube videos I keep holding off from watching for some reason. One tab is open for listening to music, a couple of them are art-related, and the rest are miscellaneous stuff.
I only have two tabs open rn, this forum and then the page for Jamal the Magikoopa since I'm drawing him at the moment :>
When I'm done with a tab I always close it normally unless I'm using it layer so only 1 right now and thats tbt. Usually I have this in the background and around 4-5 more
Usually only keep 4 open to check social media. Any time I want to see something, I do it in incognito mode so I don't get ads of it plus it closes it for me.
43 distributed across 3 chrome windows. >:0

I really need to turn off that chrome setting that saves your tabs for next time when you close a window, I always forget to close stuff when I'm done
Including this one, I currently have 6 tabs open across 2 browsers. 5 unique websites across those 6 tabs. It's low, but I can have a ton open if I queue things up to either read, watch, or post in and just neglect to get around to them for awhile.
2! Bell Tree and a YouTube video for background noise
So…I never close anything (it’s maybe a once a year thing to clear out all my tabs on my phone) and I have hoarding tendencies which I try and keep to the virtual world (why I like Pinterest).

I counted at least part way through my phone tabs twice, I swear. I feel like this is a crazy person level number and everyone else has so few tabs open.

I do not use my personal phone or computer for work, so this is just my personal life tabs.

On my laptop - 45
On my phone - ~390 (I lost count a couple times and had to start over and then didn’t want to do that anymore, so I may be a few off) two of the tabs are TBT, and like six (maybe more?) are various tabs where I wanted to look something up on nookipedia.
In the incognito browser i use to read on AO3 (want to be able to lock up my fanfiction in case I leave my phone unlocked, say, in my work locker room) - 41

So I guess total that is - about 476 😵

Idk I kind of like all my tabs. Obviously, I have some kind of problem, but I’m not gonna change anything so🤷🏻‍♀️
Unfortunately, my laptop is extremely slow and very aggressively overheats when i have more than around 10 tabs, so i have 8 now
right now 8 in two windows. four of which are youtube lol. i usually have a lot of tabs open but i'm good at closing them when i'm done for the day. like i had 20 or so tabs open for school earlier today but they're all gone because i like to not be reminded of school when i'm done for the day
10+ tabs open most of the time. It could be online shopping carts, YouTube, sometimes Reddit, RP forums, random interesting links... It's how my brain operates. So much information at one time.