How many internet tabs do you have open?

I like having 2-3 if i'm multitasking, etc. like i like having lots open for music, then for school (when i'm in school), then for videos, or social media :) i had a friend who has like 50 tabs open all the time and it's so ridiculous bc i'm wondering "how does your computer not die on you?" xD i figure the lag is real when you have that many tabs open tbh.
I have 12 open right now lol. I get interested in a lot of things at once and then I feel like if I close them I might need them later so I just leave them open:p
5 right now, but it varies. currently its tumblr, youtube, this, amazon and twitter
one.. i'm only looking at the forums momentarily until my game starts.
and i don't like cramming stuff up ^.^
5 right now- tesco mobile shopping basket, paused netflix, skype, belltree and spotify
I usually do a lot of multitasking when I'm on my browser so generally I have around 15 open and it drives my partner insane.
I know it's ridiculous
i have 9 tabs open... all completely needed 100%
Four open as of right now. I "need" YouTube going so I have noise/background noise to listen to. The other three are forums. I usually only have two or three open, maybe six tops. I like organizing what I am doing online, if I am done with one site I close it off, that kind of thing. :)
8 of them right now. I usually shame-spiral and close them all when it reaches a dozen or so
7, I'm trying to make more of a habit of not opening up too many at a time, but I have a few extra ones open today.