How many languages can you speak?

I'm fluent in 4, know a little bit of Spanish and Japanese, but can't really hold conversations (actually, does latin count? If so, I can understand most of latin texts).
Also, I'm trying to learn ASL, but I don't have any time for that, so.. maybe in half a year or so.
French is my native language, so that, and I guess I can speak some good english.
I can also speak a bit of Japanese and Spanish. Both of which I learned at school (spanish wasn't wanted, I do not like this language at all, but it was either that or german.)
English is my main language.

I know a bit of french but not enough to survive on lol. Unless it's readying menus! I know a lot of food names in french!
I studied French, German, and Spanish in school. The only one of those I actively speak is German.
I can speak fluent English but I can also understand/somewhat speak spanish because of my father's side. My fianc? is Mexican though so we sometimes communicate in Spanglish.

My mom is English only (British) and extremely racist (go figure) so I can't speak it around her or she asks me why I don't speak english.
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I know English and I’m somewhat coherent in Spanish (but not fluent). One of my goals is to one day be trilingual in English, Spanish, and Japanese.
Unfortunately, I'm only fluent in English. I took a number of classes for Spanish in High School, but I didn't go through the whole series of classes and as such didn't achieve fluency. Most of what I learned has also deteriorated into uselessness since I only took the classes to fulfill credit requirements and didn't make a point of retaining it in the years following graduation.

I would like to learn some other languages in the future though. French, Italian, and Japanese are of particular interest to me. It probably wouldn't hurt to relearn and fully grasp Spanish as well.
I’m fluent in English since it’s my native language. I did advanced French in school, but since I haven’t used it much since I graduated, I’ve forgotten most of it. :(
German (native), english and french.
I tried some time ago to learn norwegian, but ended up being bored of learning.. x)
Two: English and Potwari (a dialect of Punjabi). I can understand Urdu but can't speak it too well at all
I speak two: German (native) and almost fluent English, still working on it since there are many words that I either pronounce or write wrong. I also used to learn French in school, but except for a few words, I forgot everything. Was hard for me to understand and learn it to be honest.
Three: Bahasa Indonesia, Malay, and English. I once took Mandarin as one of the subjects in high school. I'm currently learning Japanese and Arabic bit by bit
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Speak? 2. French and English. Understand spanish and italian as long as they're slow. I'm working on learning them though.
I speak English and my Native American language, Ojibwe!
I?m trying to learn Japanese so I can travel to Japan, but I?m definitely not there yet.
I am fluent in French and English. Although sometimes my brain forgets how to do one, or both at the same time, yay.

I took Spanish classes back in high school, but that was so long ago that I forgot most of it. I can sort of understand it if a Spanish speaker speaks slowly, but good luck trying to get me to say anything proper in Spanish. By extension, since French is my first language and they are similar, I can also sort of understand some Portuguese and Italian as well if spoken slowly.
First language is Italian, then I can speak English fluently and I've studied both Spanish and French! My spoken Spanish is quite good, while my French is a bit worse because I don't really have enough vocabulary to conversate with a native French speaker. I'm also studying Latin in uni, but since it's a dead language I'm not sure it counts.
Just English right now, but I hope someday to learn Spanish, German, Japanese, and a few others. I know there is some people here in the United States who speak other languages, like Spanish, and I would love to communicate with them. :)