How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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Guy here! Don't let my Tangy pic fool you! All but one are females on my AC friend list. Though that's not very big anyway...
Maybe when all the guys die out the females can preserve our bones. And give them to Blathers...
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I think that more females play ACNL than males due to guys thinking that its meant for sissys and not for "cool" people like them

I am a female and that is my opinion of how some males react
I think it's down to the nature of the game, Animal Crossing is a "cutesy" art style with a lot of "cute" animations, most guys can't get past that and just see it as a kids/girls game. I personally enjoy the creativity and personal touch the game allows you to have.
I'm male, in case you couldn't tell by now! I'm surprised by the results of this poll; I would have expected a more even split.
I'm female!
I don't care too much about gender; as long as a person is friendly/nice, that's all that matters on here.
Guy here! Don't let my Tangy pic fool you! All but one are females on my AC friend list. Though that's not very big anyway...
Maybe when all the guys die out the females can preserve our bones. And give them to Blathers...

Lol that last bit is hilarious! I don't mind having male or female friends on here, as long as they are nice that's all that matters to me. :) Also, congrats to those guys out there who opened up to Animal Crossing despite its cutesy graphics. It's a great game no matter who you are!
Lol that last bit is hilarious! I don't mind having male or female friends on here, as long as they are nice that's all that matters to me. :) Also, congrats to those guys out there who opened up to Animal Crossing despite its cutesy graphics. It's a great game no matter who you are!

I never really say ACNL as really having 'cutesy graphics'... Seems pretty typical for a Nintendo game. The only thing I can't stand looking at is re-tail.
I'm quite relieved that this place is female dominant, as I have androphobia. It's hard finding girls who share my interests.
This is seriously the first forum I've been to where there are way more female users than male. It's so weird! Usually it's the opposite!

But yes, I'm also a girl.~
I'm surprised at the result. I thought the male users were going to be slightly less than the female users, but not too much. Or at least balanced.
I'm a female. On other forums I go on there's usually 60% male and 40% female or something like that, but that's probably because the forums I go on appeal to boys more than girls.
I actually expected less dudes to be honest - good to know I'm not totally alone, lol. It seems like all the forums I go on are actually frequented more heavily by females, but then again I have somewhat feminine tastes and hobbies (horses and crafts, yo).
Damn I did not expect those pole results!

Although lookin back I do notice more female users ",
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