I agree completely with the OP, this is kind of a paradise for us men seeing as this place is mainly populated by women. Overall they are sweeter, nicer, more polite and just generally more pleasant to be around and have experiences with online and in the forums. I'm so used to it by now and have been so spoiled, I'm actually bummed out when I see a guy character when I visit someones town XD
On the flip side though I am a bit sad that there isn't more guys on here because it's hard to talk about guy stuff with most chicks you know? Hey girls how about that fantasy football? Oh what now, you want to talk about shopping? Hmm no thanks I'll just watch this NBA game that's on right now haha
What's good about most females is that they tend to be kind and appreciative. Guys on the other hand are "Cool, thx bro." *No great feeling of appreciation there.
Male. I disagree. It just depends on the player. I've met rude and nice players of both genders. Saying cool and thnx bro is the same as doing the Shrunk heart emoticon repeatedly.
It's funny but I know more guys than girls that play the game... I suppose it's just one of those nice and casual games you play in your free time to unwind though so anyone can appreciate it despite the cute feel it has to it.
I'm Male and Male in game. So don't let my avatar confuse you.
Now I haven't gone to loads of towns, but the ones I have visited are mostly girls. The fellow males I have met have all been just as nice. Maybe I have been lucky?