How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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seeing as my girlfriend introduced me to the game, Im not surprised there are so many females on here!
this is ur sex so u choose one

although there is no option for hermaphrodite which is very triggering to me

I don't want to post my sex onsite, however. The only people who know my sex are family, my partner and my doctor :)
While I'm sure Animal Crossing attracts more females than males, I also think it really depends on which community you're in. I had high turnip prices and let a bunch of people come in from reddit, and I swear, of the 50 or so people who came, 45 of them were male.
I have met more females through here than males, and I'm male myself, I get on alot better with girls than I do with guys, just the way its always been :p
I'm not surprised at the ratio because I mean Animal Crossing is a really cute game so I don't expect most guys to be like,"HEY! That's cute, let me buy it," and then come to a forum for it. > u <;; I got my boyfriend into this game though. He like to do his daily routines like water the flowers and stuff. hehe
Wow, there's literally more than twice as many girls as boys here. That ratio has gone up
Not surprised at the numbers, though very interesting to know. Even though I'm female, I often consider choosing male protagonists in games.
I'm a guy, but I don't think girls have been nicer than boys or vice versa. In fact, I didn't really pay any attention to whether the people I conversed with even had a gender....
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