How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

  • Total voters
Not surprised at the numbers, though very interesting to know. Even though I'm female, I often consider choosing male protagonists in games.

Most females and males both choose male protagonists in games, statistically speaking. :)
im not surprised there's a huge amount of females here i suppose.
Most of my IRL gamer friends consists of guys. I havent met anyone of had the chance to become internet friends with anyone online. But most of the people that I do have small short convos with are girls on the internet.
This place is the direct opposite of a sausage fest.

What is that supposed to be called?? Seriously, I have no idea
male and female are really terms to describe one's biological sex and not gender identity
so my sex is male but i do not have a gender identity, thus i am neither "male" or "female" in the context of what this thread is asking :~)
This place is the direct opposite of a sausage fest.

What is that supposed to be called?? Seriously, I have no idea
assuming that all girls have the same body parts, are you?? and that all guys have "sausages"??
let's revv up those cissexist fryers
It seemed like there were a fair number of males and females on this site, it never occurred to me that there were more females than males. I don't really have a preference, as long as the person is nice and caring, that's what matters.
Wow, I just checked the poll today and I did not think the females would conquer nearly 2:1. Does anyone know what it was like each year? That would be cool to look into.
Wow, I just checked the poll today and I did not think the females would conquer nearly 2:1. Does anyone know what it was like each year? That would be cool to look into.

I'm pretty sure the girls have always outnumbered us guys.
Yeah the girls have always been overtaking the guys. I could see that happening anyway, ACNL would probably look a lot more appealing to girls than boys. I'm definitely not saying it's a girl game, cuz I have it too XD but there's not really any violence or anything so that's probably why a lot more girls bought the game therefore more girls on the forums :)
Oh wow, lots of girls here! Not all too surprised, I see a lot more girls on the island for one thing and I guess the game does have a bit more appeal for girls than it does boys? Definitely welcoming all the guys here though with open arms! ^^
Girls rule boys drool!!

Not really but I'm excited to see so much girl power in a video game community.
i am a male, and i do find a lot of girls here. i think the girls have been nicer, but only slightly, but there has been some nice and friednly boys too.
I'm a guy and I can definitely agree that most of the TBT community is primarily composed of girls and women. This trend is even noticeable in other AC communities as well because my best friend list is like 98% women and girls. lol