How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

  • Total voters
I'm Agender-Male I guess? (I do not identify a gender, nor do I care about gender (or always understand what it's supposed to even mean) but I am biologically male) -shrug-
I've seen mostly girls play but one of my fave old friends on here was a super nice Japanese guy who would always give me cool stuff. The language gap was hard but google translate is fun :D
Ima girl :p i would rather play with a girl because i feel like i can get along with girls more than guys... but some guys on occasions are super nice like ACNLover10 and other male users that i love near and dear (NOT THAT KIND)
I'm a boy but I'm working on making my profile less girly.
I'm a male.. I do find more females playing AC.. But I like how relaxed of a game AC is, you don't have to be on edge while you're taking down a big boss or challenge or something.. I like that about most games I play.. But I also do find I prefer more guy villagers to girls, lol .. I mean there are so many lousy Peppy, Snooty and Uchi villagers.. There are plenty of awesome Normals though

Not be on edge? HAVE YOU SEEN THE BEES?

And for the sake of the poll, I'm a male
I'm a girl, but for some reason I like playing with guys, I think they're funner or something.
My favorite villagers are also all guys...